Children's Development As Individuals And Thinkers

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Children's Development as Individuals and Thinkers

Children's Development as Individuals and Thinkers


Many children are attracted by their belongings and keep their possession. There is a significant impact of play in the children's learning process. Teachers rapidly want to incorporate learning objectives through the teaching mechanism and in the process ignore the significance of learning accomplished through play.

Children like to play and this co curricular activity seems to augment their learning. Children feel comfortable when they are in their playing zones and their mind is not burdened with studies. They feel natural in the playing environment and results in them not only enjoying when they are playing but their mind is occupied to a great extent. Children have a healthy knack to keep moving from places (Hayward & Norton, 2009).

Whenever their instructor ignores them and they see they are not being supervised, they start wandering around and it is their learning and thinking process which augments their decision making in such a scenario. It has been observed that Caleb who is our main observation has been doing a bulk of activities but he keeps his dearest possession the monkey, close to him.

This is because that monkey has special place for him. Play has an open ended nature and thus children were occupied with the open themes of play. There has been growing presence of developing open ended role play area for children so that their learning can be enhanced.

Children were taking keen interest in these activities since the play themes were according to the liking of children. It has been observed that the resources and objects used in these activities contributed greatly towards engaging the children to a great extent.

Since children were involved to a great extent, there was continuous learning taking place. By initiating role playing activities, children were now being shaped into effective thinkers. There was increased involvement of children in the activities and they loved to play in that specific area.

Moral Development

There is a huge role of moral decision making in the gradual development of children as thinkers. The aspect of moral development incorporates learning in children to decide about what is right and what is wrong. They use this knowledge to arrive at important decisions. With attainment of moral development, children have the capacity to act in line with the right decision. Although it might not be a convenient thing but with moral development children have no choice but to follow the path of right decision. Children's interpersonal experiences with family, peers and adults combine with the physical, cognitive and emotional skills to stimulate moral development in children (Piaget, J. 1929).

Involvement and Long term Learning Experience

Young children have been known to become highly absorbed in their activities. Laevers signified in his theory that children having a higher level of involvement would be highly motivated for a long term learning experience. He asserts that irrespective of age, the most productive learning occurs when we exhibit high levels of involvement in ...
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