Children's Defense Fund

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Children's Defense Fund

Overview of the organization

The Children Defense fund (CDF) is an organization that deals on no profit basis and it works for the betterment of lives of children. This organization is operating from last 35 years. The ambition of this organization is to improve the life of children by providing them aid so that they can combat with the issues of poverty, they provide them shelter and guidance on how they can protect themselves from different sorts of abuses and they make provisions so that each child can get access to quality education and health care facility. Their aim is to serve for the betterment of lives of children without any discrimination; they serve at federal, states and even at the level of communities.

Mission statement

The mission of the Children's Defense Fund is to “Leave No Child Behind" and to ensure every child a Healthy Start, a Head Start, a Fair Start, a Safe Start, and a Moral Start in life and successful passage to adulthood with the help of caring families and communities.

Words that are used in the mission statement like; Healthy, Fair, Safe and Moral describe the philosophy of the organization with which it works. This shows that the organization takes care of a child from every facet of life.

Organizational hierarchy

The foundation of this organization was led by Marian Wright. Many influential people are also associated with this organization such as actress like Reese. The list of the board of director in the form of a chart is attached in the appendix. The organization has following hierarchy:

Organizational Hierarchy of CDF

Sources of funds generation

CDF has inspirational goals and in order to fulfill these goals they need ample financial support. The organization usually relies on funds that they gather through their different activities. To raise funds the ...
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