Children With Emotional Disturbances

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Children with Emotional Disturbances

Children with Emotional Disturbances

Early intervention of the State of New York is part of the national program of early intervention for infants and children with disabilities and their families. The program was created by Congress in 1986 under the name Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), the EIP is administered by the New York State Department of Health through the Bureau of Early Intervention. 

Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)

So we are faced with a federal law that was the backdrop to the enhancements offered by the State of New York. This federal law guarantees that all children and young people aged between 3 and 21 years with disabilities have a right to education and proper development. In the State of New York in particular, from 1 July 1993, all infants and children are eligible if they have the following characteristics:

Children must be under 3 years of age and

Have a disability and confirmed

Underdeveloped areas in one or more of the following developmental areas: physical, cognitive, communication, social-emotional and adaptive development.

As you can see the limited access is very few, I can assure you from personal experience that very few people, I would say less than we imagine! The offer is really available therapeutic ranges. The deals are those that are born and many associations that list and provide descriptions of services offered. I met a social worker who years ago had an autistic person in the family. Since then her life has changed, has become a service for families with autism in the city of New York. We return to some of the free treatment offered by the state to the family and children.

Assistive technology devices.

Services for visually impaired,

Social services,

Nutrition services,

Nursing services,

Coordination of services,

Psychological therapy services,

Physical therapy,

Occupational therapy,


Speech therapy, 

Special education,


Support groups for parents

Home visits,

Family support and counseling 

The treatments include inter alia the provision of services in natural environments in communities where there are typical peers to the maximum extent appropriate. The treatment with peers as you know requires more energy, but is clearly more effective, especially for the generalization. A special school including special education, support center or school with special educational focus in USA, a school for children and young people who are impaired in their educational, developmental and learning opportunities more or less difficult (for example through a  learning  or intellectual disability through physical disabilities, often through long-term disease). Various types of school funding while offering a special education class that is specifically tailored to the specific impairments. It should also allow the children a better development than those without it appropriate to support a normal school would be reached. Overall, there were about 430,000 students in USA in 2007 to support schools, representing about 4.5% of all students in USA.

Overview of types of school funding

We distinguish the following types of institutions that can respond specifically to the particular needs, not with all types of schools are established in all countries or even different name:

Special Education Focus emotional and social development (formerly School of Education aids, etc.)

Special school for the blind

Special school for visually impaired

School with a program focusing on mental development

Special school for the deaf

Special school for hearing impaired

Special school for physically handicapped

Special school for children with learning difficulties

Special school for Speech ...
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