Children With Attention Deficit Disorder

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Children with Attention Deficit Disorder


The Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) is a common mental disorder and is quite prevalent among children. The signs and symptoms of the disorder become evident in the early stages of childhood. If proper treatment is not implied in time, it can lead to grim consequences and can affect the everyday functioning and future of a child. In this research, we intend to thoroughly study the disorder, its prevalence among children and the latest research conducted on the disorder. We would also analyze the symptoms, etiology and the prescribed treatment for the disorder. The purpose of this research paper is to elaborately explain the disorder and its effects on the lives of children. The various subtypes of the order would also be discusses. Also, the various impairments that could arise in children if the disorder goes untreated would also be pointed out.

Table of Contents


Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)2




Prevalence of ADD4

Attention Deficit Disorder in Children4

Major Symptoms of ADD7


Comorbidity of Disorders in Children with ADD9

Learning Disabilities9

Behavioral Disorders10


Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD)10


Treatment of Attention Deficit Disorder11

Psychotherapy for Attention Deficit Disorder11

Good Parenting12

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy12

Social Skills Training13

Treatment with Medications14



Children with Attention Deficit Disorder


The Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) is one of the most commonly diagnosed behavioral disorders. It is found to be quite common in childhood and is believed to affect between 4-8 children out of a hundred children in school (American Psychiatric Association (APA), 2000). Its high prevalence in children makes ADD a serious health concern. It is not only limited to children, but can also occur in adolescence and adulthood (Stephen, 2005).

The main symptoms of the disorder are the differences found in the levels of hyperactivity, attention and impulsivity among children. The symptoms remain persistent throughout childhood and often lead to other mental impairments and disorders. Such problems affect the cognition and behaviors of the person and interfere with the person's ability to function and perform. Mental health professional rely on the availability of its symptoms for the diagnosis (Bland, 2002).

The Attention Deficit Disorder has many subtypes and varies in their features and diagnosis. Due to such differences, people with ADD often have different issues. For instance, some children could be only under-active while others would be hyperactive. Similarly, one child with ADD could have serious problems at focusing in school while another child with a different kind of ADD could have no attention issues and only hyperactivity. Hence, the severity of symptoms vary in children i.e. mildly inattentive but overly impulsive or highly inattentive but less impulsive. All in all, ADD leads to serious consequences due to cognitive and behavioral impairments.

Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)

According to Fried (1999), the Attention Deficit Disorder could be defined as a “biological condition that results in a persistent pattern of problems”. It causes issues in either one or more of the following behaviors i.e. hyperactivity, inattention, impulsivity.





Hyperactivity refers to increased motor movements by a child or an individual. Hyperactive people have difficulties in inhibiting their restlessness and constant bodily ...
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