Children Health Care

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Children Health Care

Children Health Care

Children health care


Children are our future. Their health holds pivotal place in the health care system. There are several factors that influence their health. These factors can be medical factors, including different diseases, or the human related factors, including the care givers and the health care facilities


Factors influencing the children health

There are a number of factors that influences the health of a child. These includes:

Environmental and Socioeconomic Factors

Over Crowded Houses

Poor sanitary conditions

Homeless children

Environment causing the disastrous development

Socioeconomic factors


Access to the health care facilities

Environmental and Socioeconomic Factors

A child's health majorly depends on the environment he is kept. If the environment if not appropriate, it can cause detrimental effects on a child's health (Harker, L., 2006, pp.15-17). There are many rural and even urban areas, where the health care professionals are not easily available. The children of such areas greatly suffer from the lack of basic health care facilities (Redlener,, 2007, pp. 2-5)

Over Crowded Houses

There are over 900,000 children in England who are living in over overcrowded houses. According to the research, children in over packed houses are at 10 time's greater risk of developing meningitis if the disease persists to long time, it can cause blindness and behavioral problems in the child. These children are also at a higher risk of developing respiratory and digestive issues. Loss of sleep and actual accidents are also common in overcrowded housing conditions. (Harker, L., 2006, pp.15-17)

Poor sanitary conditions

However, dirty untidy walls, broken furniture and ugly posters, water leakage, horrific ventilation and pest infestation can cause a negative effect on a growing child's brain development. These children are more prone to develop infectious diseases due to the unhealthy environment, (

Socioeconomic factors

The socioeconomic factors are very important in determining a child's health. The parent's Socio- economic status affects the child's education as well as his health. Parents with strong financial background can afford better schooling, quality food and more comfortable housing facilities for the child (Currie, Goodman, n.d).

Immunization Programs

The immunity of children is not as strong as the immunity of an adult. They are more prone to get contagious and infectious diseases. The Immunization programs are designed to save a child from these diseases and improve his quality of life.

There are different vaccinations that have to be given to the children in particular age groups, depending on the strength of their immune system.

Diseases and the vaccines

Diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis

Diphtheria: it is an air borne disease caused by bacteria. It affects the respiratory system, specially the lungs. The disease is characterized by low grade fever, swollen tonsils and sore throat. It can be a very painful condition for a child. In severe cases, it can cause paralysis and death.

Tetanus: it is the condition that affects the muscles of the body and also known as Lock jaws. It can also cause breathing problems and is found in the soil and mud. The micro-organism enters the body through open wounds and cuts. In severe cases, it can kill the child by affecting his ...
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