Children And Young People Workforce

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Children and Young People Workforce

Children and Young People Workforce

Unit 1: Understanding Child and Young Person Development

Child and Young person development

The development is conceived as a process of reconstruction and permanent reorganization. The author abandons the idea of development as a stable succession of stages. It is conceived as a linear process, but characterized as irregular, of advances and retreats, which has neither a beginning nor definitive and clear seems to have a final stage, which never ends, you could always continue.

Three points are highly neuralgic versus conventional concepts of development and have different types of implications:

Development is not linear: it recognizes the need to abandon the understanding of development as a stable succession of stages and move more towards the appropriation of a model for understanding cognitive functioning, understood as a space in which implicit and explicit understandings cohabiting. There is never a definitive end to the process of knowledge.

The development does not start from scratch: the affective, social and cognitive development cannot think from a zero point. There is a definite beginning, not from scratch. Whenever there is a base on which work processes.

The development does not have a final stage: at the other end we can say that there is never a definitive end to the process of knowledge. Always reorganizations leading to a transformation no limits.

The skills in early childhood

Competencies are understood as general capabilities that enable the 'doings', 'knowledge' and 'can do' that children manifest throughout its development. The powers not observed directly but through performances and activities that children undertake in everyday situations or structured.

Mobilization is a property of the powers allows generalization of the activities used in specific contexts and simultaneously, the differentiation of these activities in each particular context. The mobilization promotes ways to move towards new achievements in the development and flexibility of skills. The competition is characterized mobilizes knowledge and power that comes from a specific situation to various situations, and is flexible in nature (Mercer, 2010, pp. 121-30).

Experiences Reorganizing

Reorganizing experience is called the type of cognitive functioning that mark turning points in the development. They synthesized prior knowledge and provides a basis for further development, more elaborate. It is the result of the integration of prior capabilities that allow children access new "doings and knowledge" and move towards more complex forms of thinking and interacting in the world.

How to react if a child exceeds the limits?

Try to understand what is wrong and what to do, instead of losing patience. It is characteristic of child rape, from time to time, the rules. How parents should react to such a failure depends on the situation and the age of their child. They must take into account the situation and that their child feels before deciding the appropriate response. Often, a small misbehaves because he is disturbed. As he cannot explain what's inconvenient, he communicates his discomfort in a different way. Its purpose is not to anger her parents, but to express what he ...
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