Children And Young People In Workforce Level 3

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Children and Young People in Workforce Level 3

Children and Young People in Workforce Level 3

Unit 1: Understand Child and Young Person Development

To see beyond the ways of speaking and ways of behaving youth involves knowing approaches through which size them, again signifies the problems and challenges that surround them and think of plausible ways to strengthen their power and decision-making. Regardless of the approach, the definition of youth should not be restricted to a stage of physical, cognitive or social, or historical and cultural positioning. Given the complexity and breadth of the topic, this discussion will cover some questions about the concept of youth, describe representations used to approach the youth, discuss some approaches, difficulties and challenges that young people today and submit a proposal based on empowerment (Beith, 2010, pp.18). Consequently, understanding youth approach requires different approaches and criteria but complementary.

To see beyond the ways of speaking and ways of behaving young people involves understanding what defines them, knowing perspectives through which meanings to size them and the problems and challenges that surround them. Regardless of the approach, the definition of youth should not be restricted to a stage of physical, cognitive or social, or historical and cultural positioning. Must be able to include the different variables, issues and factors that constitute and shape not only as a stage of socialization but as a construction period of subjectivity, regulation of behaviour and skill development to fulfil the roles and own social fields adulthood (Harrison & Wise, 2005, pp. 63). Similarly, defining youth, their problems and challenges is largely political and symbolic action that goes beyond a simple selection of certain natural realities, social, cultural, historical and political aspects. It is rather a structuring of the perception of reality from a system of tax categories surreptitiously by certain people or groups, according to their interests or needs (Campbell, 1996, pp. 66). In this situation, young people must stop seeing them as objects of treatment or intervention, and assume them as actors and participants should be able to act and decide by situations that affect and restrict their welfare and development (Blackburn & Carpenter, 2012, pp. 54). When asked, what about young people today? The answer cannot be a cold description of their characteristics and a thorough analysis of their problems. Rather, it should be a reflection on how to strengthen and expand its power and decision-making and on situations and processes that constitute and / or configured.


Beith, K. (2010). Children & young people's workforce. Harlow: Heinemann, pp.18

Billington, T. (2006). Working with children: assessment, representation and intervention. London: SAGE, pp. 10

Blackburn, C., & Carpenter, B. (2012). Educating children and young people with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders constructing personalised pathways to learning. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge, pp. 54

Harrison, R., & Wise, C. (2005). Working with young people. London: SAGE Publications, pp. 63Unit 3: Understand How to Safeguard the Wellbeing of Children and Young People

Welfare of children is complex and several other approaches exist for ...