Childhood Obesity: Let's Move

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Childhood Obesity: Let's Move


Childhood Obesity rates in US are following an inclining trend for the past 30 years. The problem has now become epidemic and the signs are it will become worse before the solutions becomes implemented and mark successful results. It is very important to note that media and advertising plays a very important role in the promotion of bad eating habits. Let's Move by Michelle Obama is an attempt to overcome the childhood obesity in US. The campaign determines the causes and proposes possible solutions to over the problem on the national level, working in co operation with different private, public and food processing companies. So far Let's Move has moved ahead in covering the problem by focusing on making healthy food easily accessible to children in the schools and at places which are deserted of fresh fruits and vegetables. Let's Move together to overcome the problem of childhood obesity.




Childhood Obesity and The Current Situation6

Problems, Solutions & Prevention of Childhood Obesity7

Television And Internet7

Mass Media Marketing8

The Role of US Government10

Let's Move10



Childhood Obesity: Let's Move


Childhood obesity in US has now become a public health concern, and the society needs to solve the problem and others associated with it and draft the possible solutions. From 1980-2000 the childhood obesity cases among the children aged between 6 to 11 years have nearly doubled, and the incidences from the age between 12 to 19 years has increased up to three folds (Harper, 2006). The current health statistics of US marks one-third of the children and teens living in US, comprising almost 25 million are either obese or overweight, and this is main root cause developing and increasing the risk of disease like heart problems, diabetes, and increased cholesterol levels at an early age (Hellmich, 2012). The story does not end of these rather the chronic health issues also implicit social barriers and children usually suffer from mental problems like stress, depression, low confidence, less acceptance in the society and many other complications related to self esteem.

There are many factors which play an active role in childhood obesity and this research paper will focus on the problems and will put research analysis on the solutions and answer the resolutions. Lifestyle of a child plays a very important role; partly it depends on the individual but in case of children it is largely dependent on the parents, the external environment, and access to the bad eating habits, social circle, and the influence of media. The first and foremost is to create the awareness of healthy eating and physical activity. The entire responsibility lies to the parents, teachers at school and the marketers to keep the importance of physical activity highlighted. The key to healthy and hearty life is healthy eating and different methodologies should be adopted to promote healthy eating. The research will help in analyzing the root cause of obesity so that the rationalized solutions can be proposed.

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