Childhood Obesity Between Cultures

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Childhood Obesity between Cultures

Childhood Obesity between Cultures


According to the latest research there are many other factors that are contributing towards the exceeding rate of obesity. Those are endocrine disruptors, decreased variability in ambient temperature, insufficient sleep, increased use of medications, pregnancy at a later age, proportional increase in age and ethnic groups that are inclined to be heavier, natural selection for higher BMI and epigenetic risk factors that are passed genetically. This paper has focused on presenting facts related to the role of culture in childhood obesity, and the effect it has on the academic performance of the child. The population under study includes children aged between 6-12 years. The sample selected for the study includes 10 children from each, White American, Black American, Hispanic America and Asian American race. 5 girls and 5 boys have been selected from each cultural group. Moreover, meta-analysis has been used in the study. The conclusion presents us with the fact that in certain cultures, parents do not consider the obese condition of their children, as being an alarming situation, which plays a vital role in the development of childhood obesity.


Childhood obesity is one of the grimmest issues in today's modern world. With advancements in the field of medical science; the public awareness has enhanced on the topic. Experts are in consensus that culture can have a huge impact on the physical appearance of a child, and on his or her future life, as well. Moreover, this also has a negative impact on their education. It also leads to a wide array of physical health problems. The cognitive development of a child is also affected due to obesity and the socio-economic status. It results in a number of psychological illnesses i.e. depression, anxiety and emotional problems for the child (Kimm, Obarzanek, 2002).

This study will be based on highlighting and identifying the role of culture and race in childhood obesity. Moreover, the study will also identify the impact of obesity on elementary academics. Obesity is one of the most devastating issues found in our society. The countries, which have higher income, have bigger percentages of obesity than those countries, which have middle or lower income. There are some countries, which are developing wealth but at the same time they are also developing obesity, as well; like for instance with the development of economy in India and China, the rates of obesity have also enhanced by several folds.

Background Findings

In today's world of a thorough gender division, most families do not consume healthy diets and continue to thrive on fast foods. The caloric and nutritional implications of such consumption are quite obvious and lead to obesity in the early stages of the child's life. The issue of childhood obesity is quite prevalent in the United States. A vast majority of the infant population is overweight and even has a BMI (Body Mass Index) double than what is healthy. Hence, in an effort to bring improvements in the country's academics; a vast number of studies are being ...
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