Childhood Obesity

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Childhood Obesity

Chapter 01 Introduction

Obesity in children is a growing global problem. The problem has become so alarming that several international organizations studying the issue very seriously, including the World Health Organization. According to this, measures must be taken directly to deal with this problem and its impact. In Canada, the number of overweight children is growing. Between 1981 and 1996, the percentage of chubby boys increased by 92% and girls increased by 57%. In Quebec, between 10% and 15% of children are obese (Baranowski, 2002. 93).

In addition to these physical problems, overweight children are often rejected from other children and are more likely to have low confidence. In 2003 and 2004, 17.1% of U.S. children and adolescents were overweight and 32.2% of adults were overweight. In the 1990s, the guidelines used to determine overweight and obese individuals was adjusted downward to include those with a Body Mass Index of 25-26; no adjustment is made for lean muscle mass (Pencharz, 2007 65).

Obesity is commonly defined as being 20 percent over the midpoint of one's expected weight range (using the height weight charts) or above 30 on the Body Mass Index. Excessive obesity is defined as weighing almost twice the weight the chart says they should, or above 35 on the Body Mass Index. If the child is the 60th percentile, this result means that 60% of children of similar age and sex have a lower body mass index. Furthermore, Body Mass Index is not a absolute measure and should be used in conjunction with other assessment measures such as the skin fold, the level of physical activity, diet and blood pressure. In Western countries, however, the trends of fashion holds that "thin is beautiful" and the great social pressure toward overweight people has led to a big industry for slimming products. Despite this social pressure to be thin, the increasing number of people suffering from obesity is increasing dramatically. For many families, having a child fat, plump, and full of creases is quite an achievement as it shows a sign that the child is strong and full of health. On the other hand, their perception is wrong as this well being of a child can become a basic factor of obesity (Carrel 2005, 68).

Chapter 02 literature Review

Signs and Impacts

It is important to know the feeding habits and behavior of the child and family. Knowing what children eat, the ranges of one food to another, the exercises they perform, as well as their leisure habits are the basic steps in avoiding obesity in children. In this way, parents can find out what causes child obesity. Changing habits through behavioral therapy is an essential part in the treatment of overweight children.

When the child is under 5 years of age, the parents must lead the treatment. From 5 to 9 years, children have more autonomy in treatment, but require the supervision and responsibility of parents. Only from 9 or 10 years of children will have more responsibility and be able ...
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