Childhood Obesity

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Childhood Obesity

Childhood Obesity


Eating is an essential part in every human beings live. However people do not realize the problems that come along side with the problem of high amounts of food consumption. To put it into simple words people do not pay attention to the quality or the quantity of the food that they eat. In reality, an average person does not know what his or her body really requires. Also, consumers have an unclear idea about the production and the process of food. Instead, their behavior towards food is determined by the way companies today advertise fast food that is also termed as 'junk food'.


The major producers of this fast and processed food are doing a very good job as people find this food handy and more convenient. This food is also not very costly so it's preferred by the majority, especially in the cities. Hence, the society has lost the traditional food culture and the way of food consumption compared the earlier days is very different. Now a day's people pay more attention to the ease and convenience of food rather than its quality.

In fact, nowadays food has become a minor asset that people take for granted, although in the past it was the most admired source of survival for the human species and the human society. At the same time, the importance of food has not been lost since it still has a huge impact on human life and health. At the same time it is very important that we humans eat right, develop good eating habits and develop a taste for healthy food to eliminate health problems and diseases that are linked with the consumption of artificial and unhealthy food.

When we look at the few highlighted problems of today we realize that childhood obesity if one of the major hurdles to the national health because it leads to various alarming diseases.

Therefore it is very important to first understand the causes of childhood obesity. When we start looking into the main causes of childhood obesity we understand that the main problem lies with the lifestyle and eating habits of these children and their families. When we look at the broader view and try getting to the main challenges that the national health system has to face, we realize that childhood obesity is one of the major challenges that it has to face (Meyer, 2006).

Childhood obesity is becoming a major threat to the national health system. Childhood obesity is a big issue today. It emerged in the second half of the 20th century and the problem has only become commodious since it was first understood. Ever since childhood obesity was recognized as a big problem it has only been steady. Ever since it was recognized the number of overweight children has only increased. Childhood obesity is a serious condition that can cause health problems and affect children and adolescence. A child well above the normal weight according to the Body Mass Index (BMI) is ...
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