Child Welfare Policy - Case Analysis

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Child Welfare Policy - Case Analysis

Child Welfare Policy - Case Analysis

Introduction and Case Overview

Many children are subjected to various abuse, even within their families. These acts can be worsen the social or economic difficulties faced by families. Although difficult to detect, they can have adverse consequences on the future life of the child. Child abuse includes physical abuse, emotional abuse, child neglect and sexual abuse.

The scenario presents a child maltreatment case in which Vanessa is being molested by her uncle. The children in the case were abused physically and emotionally. Bob Jenkins, Alan's step brother and uncle of the children, was staying at their place would ask her for abhorring things which made the children stay away from home as long as they could. In addition, the condition of the house and the children themselves were unkempt. This must be understood from the fact that both the parents were substance users. The mother would drink heavily and the father was a marijuana user (Stevens, 2007).

The parents made their children suffer. Even the child Jared who was only a few months old had cigarette marks on his body. If the parents are not able to look after themselves, how would they be able to look after the children? In addition, the family was facing financial problems in that the uncle had no place to stay, the mother had menial income and the father would contribute only negligibly as he was unable to find a decent job.

Discussion and Analysis

Child abuse involves physical, emotional or sexual mistreatment or neglect of a child. Physical and psychological effects of abuse are widespread and serious. Abuse can damage brain development and intelligence, such as walking and speaking skills development delays and other obstacles and long-term health problems, physical reasons. Low self-esteem and emotional instability may be the abuse of life-long legacy.

The key indicators of child maltreatment were many. To begin with, Vanessa herself reported that she faced molestation from her uncle. In addition, the 18 months son had circular marks of bruises on his upper shoulder. When these marks were investigated further, it was found that they were cigarette burns. In addition, the school performance of the kids was not satisfactory at all. In addition, it has been found that the children are withdrawn and do not respond to love at all. They do not even show love and friendly gestures for their own parents (Cloke, 2007).

When the investigation team asked the teacher of the school performance, it was found that one of the kids was very good at school. She was bright and was very active. However, it was only recently that she got withdrawn.

Janathan's teacher noted that the child was good otherwise but he would never complete his homework. In addition, he would come to school without the school supplies. The house was taken over by insects and dirt and other forms of insects. This is seriously harmful for the well being and better hygiene of the kids (United ...
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