Child Rearing Practices

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Child Rearing Practices

Child Rearing Practices

Thesis Statement

This research paper aims at highlighting the adoption of child rearing practices in the American, Asian and African cultures. Child rearing practices is one of the significant aspects of human development and incorporating it efficiently and effectively leads to a balanced child and eventually an individual with a sound mind and body(Lewis, 2003).. In the most common language, child rearing is defined as bringing up and training a child with affection, care and guidance till they are old enough to take care of themselves in this world, effectively and efficiently. A large body of researches reveals that child rearing plays a significant role in the right development of children. According to extensive research, it has been proved that parents view in developing the characteristics of children goes a long way in influencing their personalities (Kochanska, 1989). The child rearing practices are also related with the practices and perceptions adopted by the parents of different cultures in order to develop a child into a nurtured and nourished adult that is a productive member to the society(Lewis, 2003).. The most crucial stage in child rearing is his or her early childhood as this is the phase in which a child learns all that the parents are trying to teach, readily(Marsh, Kraven and Debus, 1999). At the stage on which the child reaches the adolescence the views of the parents changes towards the achievement of the adolescents as well as there is perspective change in the perceptions regarding the concept of strictness and parental monitoring (Lewis, 2003). The phenomenon of cultural diversity in child rearing practices is of utter importance in bringing up a healthy and prosperous society. Developing self -esteem of children is one of the major issues in child rearing practices as parents do not realize that raising up a child and incorporating in himself a sense of confidence is one of the most necessary elements in child rearing practices across cultures (Marsh, Kraven and Debus, 1999).

Literature Reviews

According to the studies conducted by Goodnow and Collins in 1990, there is a confirmed relationship between the general patterns related to child rearing and motivating children to achieve more personally as well as academically. Children who are pushed and motivated towards achieving more by their parents develop a more balanced and consistent personality (Kochanska, 1989). Cultural diversity is one of the significant factors in North America as 95% of the teaching workforce belongs to North America. Child rearing practices is directly related to the personal and professional development of child in the long run which means that the child rearing practices and the personal and professional development are interlinked together. Also one of the significant aspects of child rearing practices is personal and professional development. Personal and academic development in a child constitutes a part of learning process that comprises entirety of one's life (Lewis, 2003). It starts from the enrolment of a child in pre-school and continues through to the important transitions in one's ...
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