Child Psychology

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Child Psychology

Child Psychology


The paper discusses the psychological development among children by a longitudinal study. The aims is to analyze the concept of cognitive development and how children establish the intuition and learning with the passage of time.

Question 1

The children were studied for eight years to determine the changes and the cognitive development. For this purpose, the longitudinal study was conducted by randomly choosing 20 babies from birth during one week at the hospital. The first test was conducted when children were four years old, whereas the test was repeated at the age of eight years.

Question 2

About 8 children more of 8 years gave the correct answer as compared to the 6 year children. This showed the cognitive changes tat was brought among children during the experiment period.

Question 3

A longitudinal study is a type of observational study investigating the same group of people repeatedly over a period of years, sometimes decades. Scientific investigations require data management statistics over several consecutive generations' parents and children (O'Bryan, 1971, 169). The longitudinal study, unlike the cross-sectional study, allow tracking of the same individuals over time and the preceding generations and following the purpose of eliminating the alleged cohort. Thus, the observed differences are not likely to be the consequences of cultural differences among the generations and thus show qualitative or quantitative differences that are really significant. Because of this great benefit compared to the cross-sectional studies, the longitudinal studies provide more precise indicators of changes in the societies studied also allow great potential consequences can be applied in other fields of social sciences (O'Bryan, 1971, 169).

In the social sciences, to distinguish longitudinal studies phenomena of short, medium and long term distribution and definite continuity. For example, lets the studies let one knows how they affect a society's poverty. If the poverty rate is 10% at one point in time, this may mean that 10% of the population is always poor, always the same-or that of the entire population experienced 10% poverty, alternating the individuals. Longitudinal studies allow us to differentiate these situations and to identify clearly what the situation is. With cross-sectional studies, this and many other situations cannot be known. Therefore, longitudinal studies make clear consequences that will affect other areas and enable, where appropriate, better decision making is possible (Meyer, Dusek ,1979,11).


The advantages of longitudinal method compared with conventional monitoring, where each stage uses a new sample and the ability to observe the development over time of the same objects or people, to accurately describe the place in their life changes, including changes in value orientations, attitudes, motives, and etc (Meyer, Dusek ,1979,11). Life events with considerably less accuracy, and recorded in a retrospective (normal) study, but it is not possible to study changes in the value-motivational area, as well as their impact on the life journey of an individual or object.

Their advantage over other studies are that the causative factor, as contained in the sequence of changes studied directly on the basis of data collected before and ...
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