Child Protection Report

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Child Protection Report

Child Protection Report

Task 1

Child Protection has become a crucial issue these days. Children are a victim of various problems and abuses. Children are considered as the important part of the society, and they are influenced by certain subcultures, race, class and religion. They also get influenced by family and friends. They face different situations with time and are also associated with the new environment, which is continuously, changing. As a worker of child protection, my responsibility is to first identify the major problem that the child and family is facing. Many families ashamed of expressing their problems with the worker as they think they are sharing their personal matters with outsiders. This may cause a huge communication gap between worker and child's family. In this consideration, I would conduct some mentoring sessions or meetings with child and his/her family to assure that they feel comfortable with me and consider me as a helping hand to resolve their issues or problems.

The second challenge that I might face as a child protection worker is to understand the main cause of the problem. Sometimes, it is difficult to understand what other person is intended to say or explain and how does he expresses his feelings and emotions caused by the problem. This requires in depth study of the environment provided to a child and efforts of parents to cope and adjust with the changes take place in the environment. This study of researching the environment and culture of children may require a lot of time and efforts. In this consideration, as a worker of child protection, I would develop the process of taking and gathering information about the child and his family and analyze and interpret necessary details useful for taking final assessment and decision. Also, I would allow my other co-workers to participate in this process of decision making and allow them to share their opinions and views regarding the problem or issue.

In some cases, family members do not cooperate in resolving the issue as they are least bothered or are not intended to involve in such matters. This creates difficulty in making assessment report of the child and inadequate information does not help us in making important decisions. In that case, proper research and school teachers may provide necessary details and basic information regarding child's behavior in class and his/her learning capabilities. This also supports us in analyzing the main problem that a child is facing in school environment and his basic needs that are not being fulfilled by the environment.

As a child protection worker, I might confront children with health or psychological problems that require healthcare practitioner's support and concern. This takes time to diagnose major symptoms or disease that creates problems for the children. In this scenario, I need to modify the process of assessing information and ensure that the child is receiving proper medical care and treatment in healthcare settings. I need to cooperate with healthcare providers to make sure that the ...
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