Child Poverty And Child Abuse

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Key Developments in Social Policy to Address the Issues of Child Poverty and Child Abuse Since 1997

Key Developments in Social Policy to Address the Issues of Child Poverty and Child Abuse Since 1997


Child poverty and child abuse has always been issues of significant concern. Various governmental and organisational interventions have been to propose and implement solutions to deal with these issues. The aim of this essay to study the interventions of the government of United Kingdom to deal with the issues of child poverty and child abuse in terms of the social policies by the government. The essay will strive to cascade light on different developments that have been made in the governmental social policies since 1997. The essay entails an analysis and evaluation of the key developments in the social policies by the government of United Kingdom to concentrate on the critical issues and problems of child poverty and child labour.

What is Social Policy?

Social policy or policies relates to the laws, activities, regulations, principles and guidelines that are adopted by the government of the state in relation to the welfare of humanity. The aim of the social policies by the government is to make the living conditions better for the wider public and granting the public the rights they entail regarding their better welfare. Social policies by the government may be put forth for different aspects of the welfare for the citizens including health, security, housing, education, poverty and other social services (Hernandez &Noruzi, 2011, 287-288). The purpose of this essay is therefore to study and analyse different developments in the governmental policies and legislation with respect to one of the most serious social issues that is child poverty and child abuse.

Analytical tools/ strategies to be used

In order to study, analyse and evaluate the developments in the governmental social policies to deal with the issues of child poverty and child abuse, the analytical tools that will be used by the writer is “United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC)” (Department for Education, 2012, p.n.d.). The reason for utilizing “United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC)” as an analytical tool for analyzing and evaluating the social policies put forth by government is its comprehensiveness and reliability. UNCRC is a comprehensive treaty which entails different rights of the young people and children. Its different articles provide the rights of the young people and children with respect to different dimensions including education, health, civil rights and other general principles (Department for Education, 2012, p.n.d.). The comprehensiveness of the too makes it one of the best tools and strategies for analyzing the developments in the social policies provided by the government. Moreover, it is also one of the most reliable and viable tools that can be used for analysis and evaluation.

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