Child Participation

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Child Participation

Child Participation


Children participation refers to the active involvement of children in the decisions, processes and programs that affect their lives. Children participation involves encouraging and enabling children to make their views known on the issues that affect them. It makes certain their freedom to express themselves and takes their views into account (Unicef 2003, p. n.d). The participation of children in group activities can be developed through maintaining positive relationships and providing them with environment that can foster learning and development in the children.

(Children Participation in Early Years Foundation Stage EYFS (2012))

This essay is about supporting children participation in play activities. The principles and methods for supporting and encouraging children participation in activities are also explored.


The child “S” has been examined in the study, he is 3 years and 10 months. The child was examined on his participation in the activities of playing with his friends and studying and learning with his class fellows in the nursery.

Participation in Group Activities

The participation of “S” in group activities was completed through a 3 step procedure, (1) Planning, (2) Assessment and(3) Planning. The step of observation was performed through observing the child as he act and interact in playing with friends, day to day activities and planned activities. Furthermore, the observation phase can be completed with learning from parents about what child does at home. The step of assessment includes analysing observations and making judgement what they tell us about the child. In the planning phase of child's group participation, the ways to support the child regarding group participation are planned (Refered to Appendix 1-a).

Exploration of Principles

The observation was performed by watching him playing with his friends in play ground and talking with his key worker about his participation in the nursery (Refered to Appendix 1-b). Children do not construct their own understanding of a concept alone, but in the course of interaction with others (Copple 1997, p. 377). It was found that while” S “was playing in the group of his friends he was lacking social contact with his friends and same was found after having meeting with his key worker. I asked five questions from key worker regarding participation of “S” in group activities and his key worker said that “S” is very shy and he does not participate actively in the nursery and always try to hide himself like if he is afraid of being pointed out by the practitioner in front of other childrens ( Refered to Appendix 1 and 2). This is very important issue to address as the child is lacking motivation and self confidence. Lack of confidence and motivation is creating hindrance in participation of “S” in the group activities of studying and playing. If this issue would not be resolved in early stages of his development, this would grow to more intense level and would likely to reflect in his adulthood.

Young children understand their world as a surroundings of relationships and their development is terms of intellectual, social, emotion and behavioural is virtually ...
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