Child Obesity In London

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Child Obesity in London

Table of Contents


Obesity - the risk of a global emergency4

Childhood Obesity in London5

London Borough Newham6

Health Status of Newham7

Predictors of Obesity8


Obesity Management and Control in Newham9


Initiatives and Projects12

Healthcare Status and Utilization in London13

Conclusion and Recommendations14

Child Obesity in London


There are many countries in the world that encounter the problem of obesity. United Kingdom is one of those countries where the issue of obesity is mounting among the children. If a person's weight is more than 21% as compared to his/her body weight determined by BMI (body mass index) the person is considered as obese (Oliver, 14). A calorie is a unit used to measure the energy value of food and the energy used by the body to maintain normal functions. When the calories from food ingestion are equivalent the calories of energy utilized by the human body person's weight remains stable. However, when more calories are gobbled than the body requirements and those calories are not burned, the body reserves the extra calories into substance known as fat, which is responsible for the abnormal weight gain.

The obesity is a chronic disease caused by many reasons and with many complications. It is characterized by excess fat in the body and occurs when the body mass index in adults is greater than 25 units. The causes leading to this disease are due to different factors: genetic, socioeconomic, psychological, hormonal, related to development, and reduced activity physical. It was previously considered the person with overweight as a person who was in good health, but now we know that obesity has multiple complications, and the most common are: the disease cardiovascular, diabetes mellitus, and cancer (Oliver, 2006). Obese people are at risk of disease or death increased for any illness, injury or accident. The means of communication and fashion, affect the self esteem of the person suffering from this disease, because the images they broadcast, are images of skinny girls and bulked-up guys, which can reduce a person's ability to develop self-esteem. We cannot fail to mention the influence of parents and society. Some parents spend more time criticizing their children than praising, and people also may be subject to teasing and negative comments, which can sometimes affect a person's image and self body of the recipient. Having an attitude and a positive lifestyle healthy (exercising, eating and good nutrition), are a perfect combination to develop high self-esteem. The treatment for obesity is very varied, it must begin with a medical evaluation and follow the development of a plan: General psychological therapies, medication to improve anxiety, depression and other disorders, hospitalization and nutritional counselling, but mainly it's the strength of the patient that will help improve your health.

The paper will discuss the policies, causes, prevention, and its increasing vigilant exposure in United Kingdom and specifically in the London borough Newham. Also, projects, initiatives carried out by the boroughs, commissions and concerned authorities to reduce the overall levels of obesity will be thoroughly discussed.

Obesity - the risk of a global emergency

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