Child Labour

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Child Labour

Child Labour


If the notion of ethics is very old, often based on religious traditions, it evolves ever since ancient times today to find many applications in life political, economic and social. It finds its place in consumer habits with fair trade. But in recent years an important place of these reflections is taken by the Ethics development, which is concerned with increasing social and environmental axes. In developed countries this trend is related to concerns and raising concerns concerning environmental, health and social "progress" and technical scientists required by a market economy that needs more competitive with companies and countries.

This explains why this ethical issue is primarily of Non-Governmental Organization (NGO), which exerts constant pressure on firms and political leaders to bring change or removal of certain modes of operation. Of course the possibility of relocating the business of a company abroad exists, which allowed companies to "escape" the constraints that partially took place in the developed countries. It worked a few times, until the arrival of technologies Information such as the Internet, which has increased the pressure for change and extended it to developing countries (DCs), which produce many of the goods consumed in Western country (FYFE, 2007). Thus the ethical social and environmental concerns also weigh on companies and people who do not always have the ability to implement such changes. This can pose some challenges, including child labour to be treated here (LIETEN, 2011).


The children's work has been around since time immemorial, but with the industrialization they took in the 18th and 19th Century in Europe and the U.S. proportions, which affected the health and education of the population massively (LIETEN, 2011). Children aged four, six or eight years working in this era not only as assistants and servants, but also to a large extent in the textile industry , in coal mines and mines every day, between 10 and 16 hours. Some work in the mines could only be performed by children because of their small body size (HUMPHRIES, 2010). At the beginning of the 19th Century were a third of the factory workers in the U.S. between seven and twelve years old. Children who had worked, were having high health risks, and have only a minimal education. According to a study in 1819 was of 715 children who were working, only read 455, write 351 and expect a little bit 234. Child labor allowed the family an additional and often much-needed income. The company, which employed children felt, therefore as a benefactor. She exploited the children of workers who usually only a fraction of the wages received by an adult worker (HUMPHRIES, 2010).

The children work in this massive, exploitative form soon became a social problem in today's industrialized nations. The army was increasingly due to the many sick children struggle to find enough healthy recruits. Prussia enacted a law in 1839 so (Prussian regulator), which prohibited children under nine years working in the mills, the 9 to 16 year-olds were not allowed as ...
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