Child And Elder Abuse Mandated Reporting Laws

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Child and Elder Abuse Mandated Reporting Laws


Abusing anyone is unethical and US has a complete ethical code guideline for this matter. Child and elder abuse affect across all the social classes, race and cultures. The ethical law of mandated reporting requires some concerned personnel to report suspected abuse, neglect and harmful situations. Ethical standards must be maintained by professional who conduct mandated reporting.




Overview of Mandatory Reporting and Abuse2

Ethical aspect of Child and Elder Abuse Mandated Reporting Laws3

Mandated Reporting and Professional Ethics4

False reporting of Child Abuse7

Elder abuse - civil or criminal offense8



Child and Elder Abuse Mandated Reporting Law


Despite the mandated reporting laws for child and elder abuse, physicians have low reporting rates. The mandated reporting law states that anyone who witness children and elder abuse must report to the concern authority. The paper discusses about the increasingly growing concerns towards ethic in child and elder abuse mandated reporting laws. As it has become the center of discussion for the professionals. Further, the paper illustrates about the ethical aspect of child and elder abuse mandated reporting law and its significance.

Moreover, the paper examines in detail the three fundamental ethical concerns which can take place from a child and elder abuse mandate reporting. These are breach of confidentiality, informed consent and duty to warn. The ethical issues have also arisen from false reporting of abuse issues. Lastly, after the critical analysis recommendations have been provided for future implications. The importance of integrating ethical standards in child and abuse reporting has significantly increased. The violation of ethics child and elder abuse mandated reporting can affect the client and authorities can also charge them for breach of ethical standard.


Overview of Mandatory Reporting and Abuse

The mandatory reports are defined as reports stating certain injuries or abuse cases or neglecting of law enforcement addressing children or elders. Few of the most common issues, mandatory report states include sexual assault, domestic violence, elder abuse, gunshot wounds and the abuse of vulnerable adults. The definition of child and elder abuse is, harm or intent to harm an individual. However, there are different definitions for sexual abuse, physical harm and emotional abuse. Since the implementation of mandatory reporting laws there has been an incremental increase in child and elder abuse reporting. Moreover, there are also cases of illegal mandated reporting for child and elder abuse (Berman, 2000, p.101).

The law in US states that if a mandated reporter has information regarding any child or elder abuse they should report to the police department or to the welfare department. However, all citizens have a responsibility to protect children and elders who cannot protect themselves. The members in certain professionals must make reports such as physicians, psychologist, law agencies and others (Berman, 2000, p.101). The individuals who make these mandated reports must make sure the make reasonable report based on evidences.

Ethical aspect of Child and Elder Abuse Mandated Reporting Laws

The ethical aspect of reporting the appropriate act of abuse should be considered. Those who fail to comply with ethical practices and guidelines are held ...