Child Abuse And Maltreatment

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Child Abuse and Maltreatment

Child Abuse and Maltreatment

Child Abuse Symptoms, Signs and Causes

Module 2 DQ 1 (School Age) & Module 2 DQ 2

Child abuse and maltreatment in the society can occur at any age. In this paper, I would only focus on child abuse at school age. Children can be abused in many forms and by many people of the society. Sometimes children are abused by their own parents. There are numerous cases have been reported where children are abused by their teachers, friends, siblings and even by their own parents. Child abuse and maltreatment may leave horrible effects on children's personality. A child who has been or is being abused may feel ashamed, guilty and confused. Child may be afraid to tell the story to anyone. Sometimes child is threatened by the abusers. When it comes to defining the abusive behavior towards children it may contains sexual harassment, physical torture, mental and emotional agony and neglecting the child (Kaufman & Cicchetti, 1989).

Types of abuse that are most often seen in this age

The symptoms that we can discuss over here about the child who is being abused in the society we can mention the kid withdrawal from friends, change in a child's behavior like he/she can become more aggressive, lacking in performance at school or in sport activities. Confidence of a child may be diminished. Here, it is necessary to keep in mind that the warning signs and symptoms are just the warning signs it does not mean that the child is necessarily being abused by someone. Nurses are supposed to be aware of all the signs and symptoms in order to deal with the child appropriately.

Warning signs and physical and emotional assessment findings the nurse may see that could indicate child abuse

Physical signs could be fractured bones and broken tooth, ...
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