Child Abuse

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Child Abuse

Child Abuse


Child abuse refers to the abuse and neglect of any person less than 18 years. It includes all forms of emotional, as well as, physical and sexual abuse, negligent treatment or neglect and any other forms of exploitation. Such a behavior results in a potential or an actual harm to the health of the child, his development, survival and dignity in the context of a relationship of power, trust or responsibility. Sometimes, it is also considered a form of abuse exposing the child to show intimate partner violence. Child abuse is defined as physical injury, sexual, or emotional, act, omission or neglect of the child that causes or may cause injury to the child who is treating him too. As a result of abuse or neglect two of every thousand children suffer abuse in the U.S. and each year some 1,400 children die.

Literature Review

Researchers argue that it is important to address many factors that may affect the studies trying to assess the effects of abuse. One of the factors is the environment in which he grew victim, such as poor family. Severity of the actions is another factor. Literature review professionally since 1998 , claimed: "This article is based on the assumption that, in most cases, the fundamental damage done to children who were sexually abused, originated in their ability to develop trust, intimacy and sexuality, and mental health problems for many developing later in life, and which are related to the history of their environment are considered secondary effects" (Bernstein, Handelsman & Foote, 1994). Other studies have found an independent association between sexual abuse in childhood and the person has had negative psychological effects experienced in adulthood.

Research Act of 2000 found that the relationship between severe forms of child abuse and psychopathology in adults abused as children is not affected by the attitude of the child's family event. The reason, according to the study, is the impact of this relationship is weakened only slightly after the appropriate variables and factors have been disregarded. The study also found a link between child sexual abuse and psychopathology in adults among couple's twins one of whom has been sexually abused. In addition, among children who have been abused there is a higher risk of being exposed to consistent mental disorders, compared to non-abused siblings (Putnam, 2003).

Meta - analysis, controversial since 1998, by Rind and Co., suggested that child sexual abuse does not necessarily cause mental damage in adulthood, according to the analysis, the number of students in higher education events reported childhood abuse who had a positive experience. Conclusion of the analysis is that the extent of psychological damage depends on the child's mind - whether the acts were consensual him or not. Audits released by scientists stated that the methodology and how conclusions of the study are damaged, although the analysis was published after peer review in which no comments were received on these problems (Howe, 2005). Following extensive publicity he received the article, condemned the ...
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