Child Abuse

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Child abuse


The children are the leaders of the future and the future of the world is expected to be more uncertain because of overall environment. Therefore, there is a need to equip today's child with knowledge and effective method of teaching. But the teaching methodology or the presented knowledge is of no use if the child is not receiving due care and attention. It is a fact that the cases of child abuse are on increasing trend. The forms of child abuse are parents neglect children, parents beat their children, social neglect and victims of sexual activities. The after effects of child abuse on child personality are very negative because child would live his or her life with this trauma. The children who are exposed to child abuse by any person (relative or non relative) witnessed psychology effects throughout their life. The psychological effects make these individual to experience insecurity and a fearful condition throughout their life. It has been seen that the children who belong to low income group experienced higher level of child abuse attempts. Therefore, the low income group's children are more vulnerable to abuse. The abusers use the money as a tool to keep the children with themselves for abusing them. The investigations into this field have shown that the child abusers are often those people who were abused in their own childhood. This is a kind of reaction or revenge to the society by the person who was exposed to child abuse in its childhood. The investigations shows that 20 percent of child abuse offenders were themselves abused as children. The family stress is also another reason which encourages the person to involve into child abuse (


Gender Vulnerability

It is clearly indicated by the studies that the girls are more vulnerable to child abuse as compared to boys. The 52 percent of the victims of the child abuse are the girls and remaining 48 percent are male victims. The pattern of child abuse for girls and boys is also different from each other. The girls mostly experience emotional abuse and neglect whereas boys experience physical trauma. In the case of child abuse offenders, the male offenders are mostly involved in the physical abuse and sexual abuse and on the other hand the female offenders are mostly involved in neglecting children for example starvation (

Child Abuse Death

The height of child abuse is the victim's death (the most lethal ...
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