Chicana Interview

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Chicana Interview

Chicana Interview


In this essay an interview with a Chicana will be presented. Chicana is U.S. birth movement. Chicana reflects a political consciousness borne of the Chicano Student Movement, often a generational marker for those of us coming of age during the 1960s and 1970s. Chicana has also been clinching by elders and children who share in the political ideals of the movement. Some have a preference of regional identification, such as Tejana (Texan) or Hispana (New Mexican).

Spanish American is also accepted in New Mexico and Colorado. Latina emphasizes a general bond with all women of Latin American origin in the United States, a politicized Pan American identity. Even racial settings can be discerned by whether one favors an Iberian connection (Hispanic) or an indigenous. In this essay an interview with Martha Cotera is being presented who is author of The Chicana Feminist and Profile on the Mexican American Woman.

Inspiration behind the Selection of Women Being Interviewed

Martha Cotera was selected for the interview because she is an active Chicana feminist and the oppression of the Chicana is intricate for her and in her view it arises from a multitude of domineering means. She is an tribal minority, she is woman who is universally oppressed by men, and her Chicano heritage exaggerates this male domination over women.

In addition she is really connected with Chicana theory that states Chicana Feminisms constitute a political stance that confronts and undermines patriarchy as it cross-cuts forms of disempowerment and silence such as racism, homophobia, class inequality, and nationalism.

Life History of Martha Cotera and Her Experiences

Martha Cotera was born in Martha Piña in Nuevo Casas Grandes, Chihuahua, Mexico, on 17 January 1939. She moved to El Paso, Texas, as a child. Then she Earned a B.A. from the University of Texas at El Paso and a M.Ed. from Juárez-Lincoln University in Austin , Texas. Cotera has also worked as a librarian and consultant in Crystal City, Mercedes, and Austin, Texas. In her professional carrier she founded Information Systems Development, a consulting firm in Austin, Texas, and was publisher of the Austin Hispanic Directory. She is an Active member in Raza Unida Party politics, the feminist movement, and educational and social agencies, Cotera is also the author of several books and articles on Chicanas.

Social Climate of the Era Martha Cotera Grew Up

The era in which Cotera grew up the social climate was ver discriminating for women; they were never in the spot light. They were hidden behind the shadow of men. Men claimed the role of the dominant figure that sets the rules. Women were behind the scenes. Their sole existence was based on taking care of the family and the children . But started from the early 19th century, the tables started turning, and women began to be heard, be seen and be needed. In early feminism, feminists were trying to fight for the woman's right and woman's identity which were adequate to the traditional boundaries on ...
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