Chemotherapy Patient

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Chemotherapy Patient

Chemotherapy Patient

Part 1


A patient described as a T2N1M0, has a primary tumor of between 2 and 4 cm, that has metastasized to a single node on one side, and that node is less than 3cm in size, and there are no distant metastases present.


Side effects of this chemotherapy combination include fatigue, hair loss, nausea, vomiting, finger and toe nail changes, low blood counts. Adriamycin can cause a number of side effects and usually results in patients losing their hair several weeks after the chemotherapy has begun. The hair eventually will grow back, but will do so slowly, and may not be as full as it was initially(Testori et. al. 2010).

Adriamycin can lower the number of white blood cells in the body. White blood cells help fight infections. This low white blood cell count may begin several days after the drug is administered and may persist for several days.

Cytoxan can be given either by injection through the vein or in pill form. Your doctor will determine the type of Cytoxan that is best for your cancer. Cytoxan can also lower the number of white blood cells in the body. White blood cells help fight infections. This low count of white blood cells may begin several days after the drug is administered and persist for several days.


Ms. M needs to know that she may have her periods become irregular or stop during or after chemotherapy. An early menopause may occur. Sometimes, however, the periods may begin again during or after chemotherapy. It is very important that Ms. M discuss the need for birth control with their doctors (Morgan et. al 2012). Cytoxan can produce chemicals that irritate the bladder. For this reason, it is important for you to drink extra fluids and empty your bladder more frequently for 24 ...
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