Chemistry Stage 6 Lesson Plans

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Chemistry Stage 6 Lesson Plans

Aims and Objectives of Course3

Course Structure4

Rationale for Chemistry 11th grade4

Teaching Strategies5

Communication Strategies5

Metalanguage Incorporation6

Time Management Strategies6

Formative Assessment and Strategies6

Clarification and Understanding - The First Step7

Engineering Class Discussions, Questions and Tasks7

Facilitation of Feedback for Way Forward8

Making Students Realize - Ways to Trigger the Chords8

Harvesting ways using Learning Resources9

Course Contents and Timely distribution10

Detailed Course Plan (1)12

Detailed Practical Plan (2)14



Appendix A: The Assessment Horizons19

Chemistry Stage 6 Lesson Plans

Aims and Objectives of Course

The stage 6 Chemistry will provide the students for enhancing their interactions with the chemistry along with the interaction of various species. The students will

attain the understanding as well as knowledge about the core concepts related to matter, their states and most importantly their interaction on micro- and macroscopic level along with the historical development of various theories and models.

evolve from the consideration related to specific forms of data along with their in-depth understanding for the formulation of models and enhance the working knowledge related to the Chemistry as per the explanation from the data collection as well as organization perspective for solving the problems effectively and at ease.

Using the course, students will be able to develop a sound understanding of

Historical development of Chemistry.

Disposition and practical implications of Chemistry in daily life.

Current researches as well as developments in Chemistry.

Stoichiometric analysis.

Atomic Structure, phenomenon of periodicity and chemical bonding.

Energies in the context of Chemistry and their significance.

Chemical reactions, mechanisms along with profound understanding of acid-base equilibria and chemical equilibrium in general.

Organic Chemistry having in-depth discussion about the evolution of organic sciences, their naming techniques and most importantly their reaction mechanism. (, 2013).

Course Structure

Stage 6 Chemistry is divided into two components for enhancing the interaction of students; first one is preliminary while the second one is related tot eh HSC courses. HSC course, which will be based on the preliminary course. As per the allotted time of 28x53 minutes, most of the time will be dedicated to preliminary section , and ample time will be given to HSC course (, 2013).

Rationale for Chemistry 11th grade

Chemistry in the domain of Science Stage 6 will provide students with coherent as well as up-dated outlook of understanding as well as interaction of Chemistry at home, at college and most importantly in their daily lives. By the study of Chemistry, the students will get a chance about the mechanisms of nature of material which can be manmade or naturally present. The course will also facilitate the historical as well as philosophical development of the science along with subsequent examples to enhance the learning process.

The subject will also enhance the working knowledge of students on the continuous development basis and will make them play a significant role in experimentation during the mandatory practical sessions. The stage 6 Chemistry is designed in such a manner to facilitate the students having ample level as per stage 4-5 Science course. This will also enable them to pinpoint the needs as well as interest of other students by facilitating the structure to ...
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