Characters Of The 21st Century

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Characters of the 21st Century

Characters of the 21st Century


In the era of the 21st century, there has been much advancement as well as the destructions that have been taken place globally. The world and its operations have changed drastically across the world that has left high and effective implications on the populations. Thus, the following essay is the analytical review of the characters of the 21st century. The essay will discuss in details about the expectations of the characters of the 21st century whether it will be a peaceful, chaotic or the war prone society.


21st Century

The 21st century is the current, according to the Gregorian calendar .Formally covers the years between 2001 and 2100 , inclusive. It is the first century of the third millennium .

In this century begins to take its true awareness of the phenomenon known as climate change , which has become a major international concern, this problem has led many protest campaigns, while, by States , proposes measures aimed at achieving possible solutions, such as the Kyoto Protocol , agreed in late twentieth century (the conclusion of the December 11, 1997, and was signed by the 16 March 1998 and March 15, 1999 at the headquarters of the UN ). In the field of population policy, the globalization, which was discussed in the last decades of the twentieth century , has increased markedly.

In the international political and economic context, the twenty-first century is marked from the beginning by the attacks of September 11, 2001 and the so-called " war on terrorism "launched by the United , and also by the economic crisis of 2008 , of global reach, which continues to this day.

Characters of the 21st Century

The 21st century has been marked as a new millennium that has faced many events that have never been observed in the past millenniums. The question that has been raised is the character of the 21st century that is expected by the people. For analyzing the 21st century and its characters, it is important to highlight the war and peace events.

The peace and the war driven forces should together studied and then positively strive to build peace, which as we learned in Pacem in Terris is founded on truth, justice, love, freedom. As a follow which can't be postponed and urgent challenge for the 21st Century, the need and duty to work to remove from our world social inequalities and economic imbalances between nations, the conditions of oppression and injury of the most essential human rights, the threats to humanity associated with each type of political or ideological totalitarianism. 

There is no real peace if it is not fairness, truth, justice and solidarity. Failure awaits every project considers that separate two indivisible and interdependent rights: the right to peace and the right to an integral development ". 

In this regard, the building of peace, especially in a context of globalization as the present, requires that you have to mature real culture of solidarity. In doing so every conception must be overcome "emotional-assistance" solidarity itself, rather than seeing it as a responsibility for the common good.

It must also recognized the link between efficiency and solidarity, believe it, just as it responds to a ...
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