Characteristics Of Partner Violence

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Characteristics of Partner Violence

Characteristics of Partner Violence

The characteristics of partner violence are as follows (Stith, 2007):


They first praise their partner, adore them and give them attention. The relationship between the two is intense, sweet and they both express their love very frequently. If the two are not in a relationship, they will immediately want to tie the knot.


The woman will see other woman as threats and for the men, other men will be threats. They will accuse each other of cheating on them and flirting.


Men are manipulative and they are intelligent. He knows what the weaknesses of her wife are and taunts her on them, and uses the vulnerability and pain of his past to take advantage. "Were you abused as a child because you are so ugly?"


He wants to know where you are going and with whom your partner walks. He can check the miles traveled by the car or follow the supermarket. He often will refuse to allow it to return to work because he believes that "someone else will know."

A victim

His bad decisions are the fault of others. When he loses his job, gets into a fight or a business is destroyed, is always the fault of the other person. He "never" is to blame. "You made me beat you."


Everyone moves around. As the "little woman who does not measure" is her job to meet every need. He is the boss and she's unworthy slave. It is invigorating to know that others care about their behavior around.


It is very common that the abuser experiences mood swings. He is happy the current moment and the very next moment he or she starts abusing.


Men are critical. They cannot think of anything else but to abuse their wife. They degrade their ...
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