Characteristics And Environments Of A Human Service Organization

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Characteristics and Environments of a Human Service Organization

Characteristics and Environments of a Human Service Organization


An organizational practice can be defined as working and surviving in the fields of organizations by bringing about changes that cater the requirements of compound stakeholders and communities. Nonetheless, Shafritz Ort and Long (2005) stated that the elementary characteristics of organizations are invariable in nature throughout the course of time. They further explained organizations as communal units with some specific purpose. However, the purposes could be hidden or overt, can catch the attention of the contributors, obtain and allot resources to fulfill their objectives. At the same time the organization utilizes some form of structure to distribute and coordinate activities and depends on certain participants to rule or direct others. These characteristics may be different according to the environment in which the organization functions. The involvement of multi task people in this entity or field makes it a communal or social unit. (O'Connor & Netting, 2009, p. 3)


Structure of an Organization

The density of the configuration of an organization depends on how they sustain or provide human services. It is significant for the participants to know the structure of the organization within which they perform their activities. Further, there are formal as well as informal organizations. If a group of a community rises up to form an organization to help the less privileged people. During the provision of their service they have a certain objective to meet. They may take the help of the volunteers, as well as devised a procedure for their services; in professional language they are an informal organization. However, they can transform their organization into a formal one by making it a nonprofit mutual aid, in that case they may receive external financial aid. Through the same pattern of work they can continue to deliver their services, however, they come into the group of formal organization, not just a group of people working for the needy people. (O'Connor & Netting, 2009, p. 6)

Organizations as Collective Service Providers: Functions, Missions and Visions

Among all the groups of the human service organizations and programs, the basic purpose is the capability of that program to bring about a constructive transformation in the community or in the life of an individual or a group of people. Following are the factors of the management of the human service organization. (Lewis, et. al, 2011, p 8-9)

Planning; Devising visions, strategies, finalizing the aims and objectives and finally the selection of program.

Designing: Coordination among all the participants to carry out plans to accomplish the goals.

Development of Human resources: Utilization of the workforce and strategies to use their full potential.

Supervision: Enhancement of the skills and encouragement strategies to motivate the workforce.

Management of the finances: An appropriate use of monetary assets, control of expenses to safely achieve the target.

Monitoring of the program to day to day events and tasks.

Evaluation Process: Comparision of achieving targets with a standard model set at the start of the program and using the findings as ...
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