Character Review

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Character Review

Character Review

Individual leadership styles may have an impact on the amount of conflict present within the workplace as in the case of Kelsey Grammer in movie. Employees may interpret leadership decisions as unfair, and this may contribute to a feeling of helplessness. Leadership is a process means that it does not feature or characteristic, which is a leader, but in the case of transactions that occur between the leader and his followers. The process assumes that the leader influences the followers and influence. Leadership involves influence; it is concerned with how the leader affects followers. What influence, leadership does not exist.

Important Traits Of The Leaders

According to the character of Kelsey Grammer in movie, pioneer leadership researchers have been convinced that the personal qualities necessary for leadership effectiveness can be determined based on empirical research. Physical characteristics, aspects of personality and ability were the areas that are most often studied in the early studies on leadership traits.2 though different researchers have identified different leadership traits and characteristics; generally believe that there are five basic characteristics of leadership: intelligence, self-confidence, determination, honesty and sociability.

Possession of these leadership traits were considered to be an important component for displaying leadership behaviour.4 leadership was directly linked to achieving objectives. Leaders are persons who in the group were awarded an increase in the level of time, it was demonstrated that he / she can help the group achieve its goals.

As a sign of the approach is focused exclusively on the leader, however, and not the followers or the situation, the researchers could not detect any signs that will guarantee the success of management. Although the link between personality traits and leadership effectiveness was found, 6 of cause and consequence is not considered. Early sign of theorists assumed that leadership is inborn. They do not recognize ...
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