Character Paper

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Character Paper

[Name of the Institute]

Group Dynamics


The aim and objective of this essay is to discuss and analyze the role of group dynamics in our daily lives. The discussion on the topic will be made from the movie named “Remember the Titans”. In the first section of this essay group dynamics will be discussed at length and in the second part of this essay the discussed group dynamics will be related to the group dynamics that have been seen in the movie.

Group Dynamics

The group dynamics are activities that can be performed with a group of children, youth , seniors, or any group with common characteristics. By using group dynamics the values ??of the group , social goals With them we can influence or just have a good time and fun. We can classify the group dynamics in the following categories:

Dynamics of Presentation

The aim of the presentation is to introduce dynamics to all members of the group to learn their names as quickly as possible , as well as tastes , experiences, and other information that are indexed interesting result about the people that make up the group with us.

Knowledge Dynamics

The aim of the dynamics of knowledge is to deepen what we have learned about the other members of the group . It helps us to consolidate the information received in the dynamics of filing or learn more about our partners.

Dynamics of Affirmation

The aim of the presentation is dynamic consolidate the knowledge we have of each group member as a unique and whole group as group unit in society.

Relaxation Dynamics

The aim of the dynamics of relaxation is to increase participation and communication of individual group members within it and create a greater degree of confidence with yourself and with other partners.

Dynamics of Cooperation

The aim of the dynamics of cooperation is to help ...
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