Chapters' Summary

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Entrepreneurship in the social sector - Chapters' Summary

Entrepreneurship in the social sector - Chapters' Summary

Chapter 1 - Social Entrepreneurship: Need and Opportunity

A social enterprise is a type of company in his name and work benefits those who seek to profit-is to meet both needs of the society in which they operate. Your logic does not fit the paradigm of public companies in the state sector or in the case of private companies in the capitalist sector nor the non-governmental organizations (NGOs). The social enterprises are organizations implementing market strategies to achieve a social objective (Wei-Skillern, Austin & Leonard, 2007). The social entrepreneurship movement includes both non-profit organizations that use business models to achieve its mission as a non-profit organizations whose primary purpose is social. Their goal-to meet goals are both social / environmental and financial, is often described as the " triple bottom line "while achieving function in the social, environmental and economic benefit. Social enterprises are different from commercial enterprises in which social or environmental goal always in the center of their operations.

Most of the ownership of capital may fall on workers, but not required, are examples of social enterprises some cooperatives , labor companies or mutual typical social economy . Instead of maximizing the interests of its shareholders, the main objective of social enterprises to generate profits to boost their social or environmental objectives (Wei-Skillern, Austin & Leonard, 2007). These objectives can be achieved in different ways depending on the structure of social entrepreneurship: the benefit of a business can be allocated to support social goals such as funding for the activity of a nonprofit organization or the enterprise can fulfill its social aim through its own activities employing persons excluded or providing benefits to difficulties in accessing micro-loans from current investors (Murphy & Coombes, 2009).

Social entrepreneurship is a concept of the twentieth century to designate a very old phenomenon that is designed to solve a social need. Social entrepreneurs are very valuable to an organization, even in people can converitrse key to the development of a region or a country. Pursue social transformation more players will be achieved as the social concerns of these people infuse the people around in an oil slick effect (Wei-Skillern, Austin & Leonard, 2007). The social entrepreneur is characterized by one hand the "restless temperament, vision, determination and pragmatic methods and results-oriented business entrepreneurs (who are able to transform entire industries), with the goals and ethical quality of social reformers grains (which are capable of achieving major advances in the social field) as a definition of Ashoka , a global organization that supports social entrepreneurs to promote social transformation (Rossiter, Goodrich& Shaw, 2011).

The main difference between a business entrepreneur and a social entrepreneur is that the first objective is profit, while the social entrepreneur is motivated social change. Two components that also pursues social entrepreneurs are social and environmental sustainability of your project and a strong ethical component (Wei-Skillern, Austin & Leonard, ...
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