Chapter Four - Love Ballads

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Chapter Four - Love Ballads

Chapter Four - Love Ballads

Love ballad

Oh, my angel,

Oh, emerald,

You're like a louse,

Gives rise to itching,

But no itching in the heart,

In my heart,

A hands reach for you,

Not in order to stifle,

And all the bones to break,

But in order for you to squeeze yourself,

With all the tenderness of a hug.

I will kiss your lips so lovely,

You and I are together forever.

Now, while you're good,

And in old age with his toothless mouth,

And with weary eyes,

You will give me your face,

But I'm really blind, I do not care,

It will be good to feel,

Teach his lips to her forehead,

When you go to sleep the eternal sleep,

Eyes open, and then,

With you next fall

And sudden death will take.

All this will happen afterward,

A sleeping world, like a child,

Now gives us his peace,

Oh, how I love you!

You are so beautiful, so young ...

Why did you hit me in the face?

My love, I do not cry;

Stay, do not go!

And here's one lying in the mud,

And do not expect happiness,

But your words I forgot:

My hands are dismissed!"

And why? Because I loved you so much?

Ray of Sunshine

I was loved. But as you -

No I did not like!

Burning birds, mouths agape -

And the snake was swimming through the air.

He sailed. It was the golden fire

And at the heart of the fire

The two of us sat on it

And you hugged me.

You sang to me and patted on the head

He asked me not to be sad,

He said that if you can not understand,

All the same can be forgiven!

And you pushed me down, and he

Spurred the dragon - and

Soared to the heavens glowing,

Like the best of my dreams.

From there, invisible in the fire, in the mist

You called out to me: "Do not be sorry!"

And I flew to the ground, to the ground,

Having become all the harder.

Where burns sunset-country?

Where sleeping dragon horse?

With all the land that was similar to the

Bizarre children's sleep.

From here you can not see me,

I'm not hear anything.

And you can not come here,

To me a hug.

I have nothing, regret nothing

And my memory is gone,

And the earth under their feet rustling

Rings, squeaks and sings.

I like the sighs of the earth's dream!

A golden heat and dust

Almost forgotten ... But, like you,

No I did not like.

Without you I am nothing,a drop of rain wetting my face,my world and my heart is small ice chips,used to think that love is not real,

An illusion that always ends,And now without you I'm nothing,Without you girl,without you girl,hugging her pillow,lying in bed,watching TV and seeing nothing,to love and break love to mourn,in true and deep as the soul,without you I am all,the days that pass,the morning light,

my soul, my body, my voice, are useless,because without you I am nothing,without you I'm nothing,without you I am nothing,I feel so weird,partying nights turn sour,

unwilling laugh with a smile painted on his face,I'm just an actor who forgot his script,the end of the only words that say nothing,passing day,

the morning light,my soul, my body, my voice, are useless,do not I would to have your eyes,for being as always the two,

While everything ...