Chapter 6 & 7

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Chapter 6 & 7

Chapter 6 & 7

TQ view on customer-supplier relationships

There is a much diversified view of total quality on customer-supplier relationships. The theory of total quality believes that the relationship of customer and supplier must be maintained on the basis of maintaining equilibrium between them. There are many examples which can be very helpful and supportive to explain the relationship of customer and supplier. The view of total quality confirms the fact that there are certain quality chain which exists in the relationship of customer and supplier. If further explains the view that there must be a proper training of a concerned department in order develop and maintain the firm relationship between customer and supplier. The theory of total quality emphasizes a lot on the quality of the relationship.

Practices used to improve customer-supplier relationships

There are a lot of practices used to improve the relationship of customer and supplier. In different organizations there are different practices used to enhance the relationship between the supplier and the customer. It is very much important to understand the importance to maintaining the relationships. Some of the important practices which are regularly used to improve this sort of relationship are discussed below.

Exchanging information,

Effective marketing,

Understanding customer's needs and demands.

Customer satisfaction

Customer satisfaction is a level at which a constomer feels comfortable when he is in the interaction with the supplier. Customer satisfaction is very much necessary in order to develop and maintain the relationship of customer and supplier. There are a lot of examples which can help and support this argument that the customer statisfaction is an essential element which can support all sort of organizational matters (Carter, R. A. 1991). 

Customer loyalty

The meaning of Customer Loyalty by definition is a feelings or attitudes that incline a customer to return to a company, shop or outlet to purchase again, or else to re-purchase a particular product, service or brand. In general, the customer loyalty starts with a purchase, and ends with repurchase. Customer staying longer with the company tends to decrease maintenance cost, less prone to price fluctuation and good reference to other customers.

Practices through which companies can better understand their customer's needs

There are three important practices through which companies can better understand their customer needs. These three important practices are discussed further.

Interaction with the customer

There is a very dire need of keeping a firm interaction with the customer in order to maintain a good record of their customer needs. The suppliers can become well aware from the needs of the customer only when they maintain a regular interaction with their customers.

Observing their demands

Observing the demands of the customer is one of the most important practices through which the needs of the customer can be easily judged. One of the most evident facts proves that there are a lot of ways of observing the demands of the customers. The easiest way to know about the needs of the customer is to observe the changing moods of the ...
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