Changing The Nature Of Job

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Changing the Nature of Job

Changing the Nature of Job


Throughout the previous 40 years, the job nature has been changing. The proportion of women in the work environment has two folded and work hours are flexible at the present. Those day has been gone when men were use to be the sole authority of the family. Shorter Oxford dictionary explained this changing nature of job as a 'succession or substitution range from another thing in place of one thing to modification in the quality or state of job. This change can be small or large, revolutionary or evolutionary, required after or opposed' (Hayes, 2007). When there is ac occurrence of change in any setting, it makes us do the unforeseen so Institute of Industrial Engineers emphasized change of nature of job as 'something which gets us out of our comfort zone. It is heart grown, destiny filtered, faith built. Change is unjust; not a admiration of worker' (IIE, 2010). Moreover changing nature of job is sometimes called the only thing which is steady in life (Armstrong, 2009). The job nature can be described as the means employee experience about job and job is the 'application of exertion and the use of skills and knowledge to attain a purpose' (Armstrong, 2009). Expressing what change and the nature of job is all regarding; we know how to recognize what it indicates to have modification in the nature of work. This paper will be discussing at different kinds of changes that take place in the nature of job and environment of work such as suppleness in the job system, work from home and an increasing trend of women population in the environment of work. It will seem at why these changing take place as well and the consequences of these changes on the employers and employees of the company. In general, this paper will discuss the outcome of the changing nature of the job that is happening in the environment of job.

Changes in the Nature of Employment

As we be acquainted with that change is predictable, it is reasonable to know the kinds of change. According to Armstrong there are 3 kinds of changes that is 'operational, transformational, and strategic change' (2009 p. 424). He explains that the 3 types of changes handle dissimilar kinds of troubles in the companies. Strategic change deals with concerns that are long term and wide concerning change. Change of operational type deals with instant concerns, such as new structures, procedures and technology that have an effect on the nature of job and environment of work. At last, transformational changes take place when there is a radical transformation in the function of an organisation (Armstrong 2009).

One of the main changes that lead to a lot of troubles was when technology turned out to be a domestic name and companies began using technology in their different job places. Organizations began spending more in technological advancement and workers being laid ...
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