Changing The Learning Department Functions To The Functions Of Human Resource Department

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Changing the learning department functions to the functions of human resource department

Role of Human Resource Development


YWCA is known as the world largest organization that is working exclusively to bring a revolutionary change in the lives of women. The organization is also known for promoting the concept of young women leadership, peace, justice for women, forming clear and price human rights framework. YWCA (World young women's Christian association) is currently operating from Geneva Switzerland (Arthur & Boyles, 2007).

This organization was launched during the period of industrial revolution and Crimean war subsequently in UK, and US and since then they have expanded their operation across 120 countries of the world. However, in year 2010 the subsidiary of YMCA that was operating in UK changed its name to platform primarily to replicate the clear picture of changing attitude of the states, to differentiate itself from the roots of YMCA, and most important because it was the increasing pressure and demand of the citizens to change the name of the organization.

Meanwhile platform is providing exactly the same services that are provided by YMCA in across the globe, for instance, this organization is actively involved in providing safety, guidance, shelter, and advice to suffering women(Becker & Huselid, 2006). This organization encourages women to take important decision of their life without the fair of anyone, and in preserving their relationship healthy and strong.

The most amazing thing about this largest organization is that it does not contain any human resource department, rather it has learning department, which is primarily responsible for managing the entire internal operations of the organization including the functions that in almost every organization are completed by human resource department. However, in recent years, the management was planning to transform its learning department into human resource department that would be handling all the employee related task in the organization, and would play a useful part in improving the quality of our services.

Because of inexperience and lack of knowledge about the HR department the management was feeling reluctant in proceeding with the proposed idea, and thus instructed me to illustrate them about the human resource department, its roles and responsibilities, and benefits it would provide to the organization(Bohlander & Snell, 2007; Ngo et al, 2008). The next section of this report would enable the management of the YMCA (platform) to understand the importance and benefits of having a separate human resource department within the organization.


Human resource department

Over the years, Human resource department has played an important role in changing the structure of organizations, enhancing their performance, and in enhancing their market share. During its initial period the task of implementing human resource department was not that easy for management of companies, as they have to conduct in-depth analysis of organizational needs, level of their operations, and other multiple factors including their internal and external policies.

Moreover, during the early 70's organization did not have a separate human resource department rather the department was known as “personnel” whose primary responsibility was to manage ...
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