Changing Practice

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Changing Practice

Changing Practice


Evidence based nursing is an evidence based healthcare practice that helps the nurses in ensuring that they are able to provide the best care to the patients by relating them to previous cases. They follow the traditions of the evidence based medicine and help the nurses in implementing them so as to provide the best healthcare quality care. Nurses are increasingly expected to implement evidence based practice to utilize the most possible methods for deriving better results of research in making care decisions during the process. Nurses are increasingly aware of the need nursing support activities and decision on the evidence. With the result that the action is appropriate, cost-effective and lead to favorable results of treatment in patients.

Plan for Disseminating EBP Findings

The following plan will be implemented for disseminating the EBP findings:

Adapting PICO Model

It is important for the medical staff to learn more about this practice so that they can provide the patients with the best ways of recovering. This is exactly what I want my nursing and medical staff to understand. I will implement a framework named PICO. Richardson et. al (1995) introduced the concept of PICO and stands for:

P - Patient or Problem: Who is the patient? What are the most important characteristics of the patient? What is the primary problem, disease, or co-existing condition?

I - Intervention: What is the main intervention being considered?

C - Comparison: What is the main comparison intervention?

O - Outcome: What are the anticipated measures, improvements, or affects? (Lynn et al, 2011)

This framework helps in knowing more about the medical cases and how they can be dealt with respect to pervious similar cases. These cases are used as a reference and are made sure that the present case is treated in a similar manner as the previous case was treated. With PICO framework, it becomes easy for the medical staff to identify all the difficulties that may arise while treating the patient. It is important for the medical staff to know as to what impact their treatment will be on the patients (Sadagopan, 2004). This will help them in understanding as to how the patients should be treated and what influence it will have on them.

After gaining information of the patient, it is important for the medical staff to know as to which intervention is being used. This will help the people in knowing more as to whether the intervention that is used is appropriate for the patient who is being treated or not. The interventions that are being used currently will seek to be important for the patient as his recovery depends on it. Next, the medical staff will gain information of the comparison of the intervention. It is important to know more about comparing the intervention so that the patients regains health and gets back to normal in a matter of time. With this, the medical staff will be able to treat the patient keeping in mind the evidence based practices which will help them in ...
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