Changing Organizational Culture At Creative Colors

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Changing Organizational Culture at Creative Colors

Changing Organizational Culture at Creative Colors

Organizational Culture

Organizational culture can be defined as the set of beliefs, values and norms which identify the organization's way to carry out its business. Values are the beliefs of the company that lies in the bottom of the heart. Organizational values help the company to define set of standards that governs the individual behavior in the organization in certain situations, events, and outcomes are undesirable or desirable (Jones, 2010). Without the organizational values, there are chances that individual will act in a way that will not be in favor of the organization, and organization itself do not encourage such individual behavior.

An Art Depot store is a smaller organization where the individual behavior is likely to be more obvious as compared to Creative Colors. In smaller organizations, the need for organizational values may not be necessary. Creative Color encourages the need for organizational values and desirable individual behavior in different part of organization to be followed.

In the mid of 1970s, it became important for the organizations to respond to changing surrounding and get adapted with the culture to resolve their business crisis. Morgan (1977) explains Japanese approach, the focus of the firms to bring change must be as a whole, the development of harmonious relations must be present at all levels, and the firms need to focus on merging organization's goals with the common goals of individual and dependency on the responsibility of employees (Mishra & Rabkundaliva, 2010).

Kennedy and Deal (1982) state that the failure and success of an organization is accounted by the solitary most significant factor, culture. The identification of culture is defined by four dimensions:

Values: Values are the beliefs of the company that lies in the bottom of the heart.

Heroes: Heroes are considered to be those individuals who represent values.

Rituals and rites: Rites and rituals are the customs of interface that possess strong symbolic behaviors.

Culture network: The culture network is the informal or casual interaction system within the organization

Organizational Culture and Encourage Employees

An organization need to adopt strategy to encourage employees in the two Art Depot stores to behave in ways that produce high quality, personalized service. Organizational culture can be transmitted into employees through following ways:


The best way to transmit organizational culture to its employees is through socialization (Jones, 2010). In the process of socialization employees get to learn and familiarize with values and norms of an organizational culture.

Role Orientation

Role orientation is a type of characteristics where new employees get to respond to certain situation, such as:

Institutionalized role orientation - outcome when new employees are trained to respond to situations in the same way that already existing employees of an organization would have respond to the situation.

Individualized role orientations - outcome when new employees are encouraged and allowed to do experiments and to be creative with changing organizational culture.

Motivational Theories and Culture

Motivation is an essential factor to get work done in the best way. Motivated employees play an essential role to ...