Changes Of Literature In Rural England

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Changes of literature in Rural England

Changes of literature in Rural England


Understanding the language and the culture of the country side is important when one has to understand England. It comes across as a medium of social division and there are also conflicts about it. At times it has been comprehended that the changes in the urban side of the England are not really witnessed in urban suburbs. But the rapid development also has its effect and one can see that there was certain improvement in the way things are working in country side at that time. Some of the major cultural shifts that were observed and the way countryside has been idealized have added certain sense of mystique to the culture of England. Thus when there is a need for analyzing the way literature has evolved with the passage of time and what were the prime motivators for it, one has to go through wide variety of resources to see that these changes can be identified.


There was a gradual shift in the way feudal asked for social order to be curtailed and due to the way new structure of capitalism were finding their way, there was a basic shift in the way society operated. It can be said that there was a change in the overall social order1. When one looks at the feudal system it can be seen that they are more focused and inclined on the pyramidal system of the distribution of the economic and other resources. The way landholding was being done was changed and the modern theories and thoughts about the property rights were implemented. Another thing distinguished at that time was that clarity was provided in the way common land and public land were being defined. These things are needed to be discussed and looked at as literature is linked closely with the economic and social order. Thus common land was defined as something that was owned by someone, but others might have a right to use it.

Change in Social and Political Order

There were changes in the social and political order as well, such as the establishment of the rights of citizen. The obligations and the moral duties of the people were also defined rather clearly so whatever vagueness that was in the social order of the society was diminished with the passage of time. While one can find close relations and linkage between the social order and the way literature is written, it has to be kept in mind that literature does not really adopt the social reality. Literary claims were pretty different from the eventual reality of the society. There was anxiety among people as people were not really ready for such drastic change in the system while some of the romanticists did not simply want it to change. Some people were eventually hoping that all the new systems fail.

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Thing really interesting at that time period was that the population of the country was showing some interesting ...
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