Changes Of America

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Changes of America

Changes of America


American Civil War (1861-1865), or the war between the states and called several other names, a civil war has in the United States of America where he was declared one of the thirteen states of the southern states under the leadership of Jefferson Davis , secession from the United States and founded the Confederate States of America . And declared war on the Union of the United States, which was backed by all the Free states and slave States, five are located on the border. Resulted in Republican victories in the elections for the Declaration of seven southern states secede from the Union even before they took the Lincoln office on March 4 1861. Rejected both of the previous administration and this new separation, and considered it a rebellion. The fighting began on April 12 1861 , as troops attacked the Confederate military base to the United States at Fort Sumter , South Carolina , in response to that called for Lincoln to form an army of volunteers from each state, which led to the declaration separation of four other states of the slave South. Prepared on both sides of armies and the Union took control of the Border States early in the war, and imposing a naval blockade. In September 1862, Lincoln called the Emancipation Proclamation, which achieved the goal of the war ending slavery in the South, [] He praised Britain for interfering in the internal affairs of the country. []

Confederate resistance collapsed after the surrender of Lee to Grant after the Battle of Appomattox Court in April 9th 1865.


American Civil War was one of the oldest wars that used by the railways and steam ships, also used by a huge amount of weapons. Varied methods of warfare during the war were used by the methods of total war and the war in the trenches before the First World War. This is the bloodiest war in American history, which led to the deaths of 620,000 soldiers and an unknown number of civilian casualties. Result of this war ending slavery in the United States, and the restoration of the Union, and strengthening the role of the federal government. Helped the social and political issues, economic and ethnic emerged during the war, in the formation of American attitudes in the era of reconstruction, which lasted until 1877 , and brought changes helped to ...
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