Change Plan Paper

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Change plan paper

Change plan paper

History of present problem ABC is a 49 year old woman who has a history of obesity, migraine headaches, type 2 diabetes and hypertension. The patient was found to be suffering from diabetes 7 years ago and she had polydipsia and polyuria. The problem of Hypertension was identified four years ago when her blood pressure was found to be increased continuously on several events.

Health history, including chronic illness history

ABC has a height of 5'4? and her weight is between 165 and 185 lb. she was provided with oral sulfonylurea for the initial treatment of diabetes and metformin was added further. Her hemoglobin level is found to be A1c of 7.4%. She was initially provided with lisinopril with a daily dose of 10mg and it was increased to 20mg daily but still her Bp was fluctuated. She was also found to be suffering from microalbuminuria because 1,943 mg/dl of microalbumin was found in her urine sample.

Assessment of health beliefs and perceptions

According to the point of view of ABC that diabetes can be controlled by using medicines and exercise and diet do not produce any effect on it. She believes that insulin is more helpful and the use of blood pressure pills will also prevent her from hypertension and heart problems. She also thinks that exercise and diet can be helpful in the prevention of obesity and heart diseases. The drugs prescribed for the diabetes and hypertension were adherent for her. According to the health believes of the patient, the personal control is also helpful in improving the blood glucose level.

Assessment of daily activities and functional values

ABC had a normal diet and mostly do not follows the diet which is used for the patients of diabetes. She does not have normal sleep patterns because of her problem of hypertension. In addition, ABC does not have habit of exercise and this can be the major reason of her obesity. Her hobbies include cooking and gardening and she has limited physical activities.

Assessment of interpersonal relationships as impacting on prospects for change

The family and peer support is important in the control of diabetes (Pendley et al. 2002). The support network and the emotional effects of diabetes are important for the management of the disease and it will produce effects on the self management ability of the patient. ABC has a supporting family but she has less skills of self management. The patient does not have any psychosocial issues that can hinder in her management of the disease. She sometimes experiences sadness and other emotions that are normal in the chronic disease.

Assessment of personal values and beliefs

The levels of self esteem of the patient are very high and she experiences problems in coping with the disease because she feels that her other family members will be disturbed because of her health issues as she always needs a person with her at the time of administration of the insulin. She feels she needs to build ...
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