Change Of My Life

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The Biggest Change of My Life

The Biggest Change of My Life


It is six years from now whereby my immigration to United States of America took place I have improved greatly. The environment in which I was living earlier and my personality are experiencing drastic change as life I was living earlier and my experiences are way different from now. However, those experiences are integral for me as I definitely played a vital role in shaping my personality by making me a much superior and reformed person.

Belong to a good family, I am raised with a silver spoon in my childhood, in Vietnam. This is so as my parents never made me indulge in household chores such as cooking, washing, cleaning or ironing. All these chores were the responsibility of two maids in my house. They even took me to school and gave me meals. These maids serve me meals in my room, and when I was done, brought the tray back. This shows the kind of princess life I was living in my early days. My clothes washing and ironing is also the responsibility of these maids. The only thing I ever participate is in studying, which I find, quite exhausting and time consuming.


In those days, I was not at all admirable and respectable person. Although I indulged in all sort of activities that I wanted to but no one, not even my teachers dare to scold or yell at me. I did what my heart desired, meaning eat, sleep during class, do not follow class rules and regulation etc and no one ever made a complain. I have a thriving friends following line during my early days even though I treat them like puppies, yelling at them whenever my mood takes me. At ...
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