Change Model Assignment

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Change Model Assignment

Change Model Assignment


The small business plays a key role in our societies, but develops in a context of severe restrictions, many of which have been associated with their small scale, which does not allow you to employ a more effective management and access better opportunities (Basamh, 2013). In current times, there is a modern business engineering that enables organizations to integrate economic midsize small production so far dispersed. XYZ, incorporation is retail store that deals in different products like jewellery, handbags, and watches etc.

The model of the McKinsey 7-S is used to assess the feasibility of a strategic plan from the perspective of the ability to execute the strategy. An organization is not only formed by a structure, but also for 7 elements (Structure, Systems, Strategy, Skills, People, Style and Objectives priority) divided into two areas: hardware and software (Weiss, 2012). This change model will assist the management of this company to switch from a small company to international level organization.


The small business plays a key role in our societies: it is the main generator of jobs enabling the productive insertion of a large part of the population, generates income for their livelihood, it is a huge space of talent, creativity and effort that's part of basis of the internal market. It is necessary and can turn into one of the most powerful tools to boost the economy and eradicate inequality and poverty (Lynch, 2013). The management of an organization wants to expend additional stores in Russia, Brazil, China and India. This will be a long-term, large-scale change in organization.

The Model S's of 7 developed by the consultants McKinsey assumes that the effectiveness of a 1manager is determined by strategy and structure of the organization. In fact, the administration used the structure of the organization and strategies are then linked together via a complex network of seven characteristic factors of the organization. It was based on this idea that the model developed McKinsey shaped wheel that all seven factors are interconnected possible to describe the relationship between these same forces and where these determine the success or failure of the company. Factors characteristic of the organization constituting the model:

Shared values







The economic, cultural, legal and political, of each country makes the company faced with very different markets. Countries have different languages, cultures, laws, levels of economic development, coins, etc. The international marketing includes research and analysis of these differences and their involvement in international strategy, especially in the marketing mix (Raghavendra, 2013). The number of competitors is well above the national and so are their size and strength. The range of products and services in international markets is varied and generally unknown to the company that started its internationalization process.

In the current economic environment, this process becomes even more imperative and forcing the authorities to accurately define a strategic plan for internationalization that prefigure both the initial format and business plans marketing and the implementation of the operational cycle comprising ...