Change Management And Motivation Theories

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Change Management and Motivation Theories

What is Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs?

Maslow's hierarchy of needs (or hierarchy of needs, needs pyramid) is a classic psychological model that is used in a variety of contexts. In marketing, it is often a part of basic education, and also quoted extensively in leadership courses (Cherry, 2013).

Hierarchy is used to describe and explain how people prioritize between their various needs. Need staircase was originally developed in the 1950s. Maslow was constantly insisting that every requirement must be satisfied before starting the next (Huitt, 2007). The criticism he has received is primarily about we humans are not as structured in our quest for a good life, which suggests the stairs (Koltko-Rivera, 2006).

What motivates people in each level of Maslow's Hierarchy?Physiological Needs: Here individuals find needs is about sheer survival - food, sleep, air, sex

Safety and Security: Security is about protection, shelter and to escape danger.

Social Needs: We are social creatures and have a great need to belong to a group. We need to feel a sense of community based on family and other groups.

Esteem Needs: When we got this far down the stairs, we strive for as Maslow to feel competent and receive recognition for it. We strive to be good at something, and that can be seen and felt.

Self-actualization: Finally, when all else is satisfied, we can realize ourselves. That means according to Maslow about taking advantage of all their potential. It explores the opportunities they have within themselves to try things they never tried before and striving to experience new things (NetMBA, 2013).

Provide an example of what could be done to move a person to a higher level of the hierarchy within your work group.From a leadership perspective, it is important to consider both that there is a priority on human needs. By considering how ...
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