Challenges Facing African-American

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Challenges facing African-American

Challenges facing African-American


Education plays a very essential role in the development of any society. It is the most important thing through which any society can be improve. Strong primary education creates a very good base for students in higher studies. America is one of the countries who created well known system of education. America has an education system that has produced marvelous scientific discoveries, solution of social problems, and guaranteed the cultural vivacity of our societies. America has educated lots of students that have basically improved the longevity and quality of life. American system of higher education has provided marvelous opportunities for economic and social flexibility. However, various researches and teachers have raised questions on the quality of education and underachievement of students in the recent past. In this paper we will identify the challenges faced by the African-American or Native Americans regarding access to education qualities. America is facing challenges of education over the past two decades.

The major educational reform in native Americans should be based on principles of freedom, authority, respect, values and the search for scientific truth that not only technically and professionally enriching but also spiritually.


The importance of education is no longer on the subject of controversy in native Americans, tests of contemporary international proved beyond a reasonable doubt that the beginning of the progress in real but is the only education and that all countries that have made great strides in progress, made from the gate of education, but that the States developed set of education in the priority programs and policies.

World is going through a period of very sensitive where moving from century to century and from an education system to another and from one economic system to a completely different, it has passed the time in which any country to isolate itself within its own borders and be in isolation from the world because the reality of the communications revolution has overcome the barriers of time and place.

Higher education has become the most successful U.S. industries, has also become a target of resentment and anger. There are almost no industries have grown as fast as, or acquired the same status, or affected the lives of so many human beings.

Specific aspects of crises in Native American are due to development heterogeneous asynchronous and unequal education systems combined school and informal education. They face difficulty in introducing innovations to the modernization of education systems. They face many issues due to which crisis occurs. There are problems in teacher salary-administration. They have insufficient integration policies regionally and internationally. The public school encountered a large Indian population. “National unity would be achieved only by the breath of cultural, ideological and political and adaptation to a uniform pattern of life”. The expansion of the school faced a cultural resistance along with economic and social causes. It generated a rejection and a lack of motivation and finally an abandonment of the formal education of children and youth.

The closure of schools for federal funding is ...
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