Challenges Educators Face In Thinking About Diversity In The Classroom

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Challenges educators face in thinking about diversity in the classroom

Challenges educators face in thinking about diversity in the classroom


This paper intends to summarize a research article related to the topic of effective learning environments and strategies to meet the needs of diverse learners in early childhood. The purpose of this paper is to summarize and analyze the information presented in the article. The article selected for this purpose is 'Challenges educators face in thinking about diversity in the classroom' by Brenda Rodriguez.


The article basically discusses the challenges educators face in thinking about diversity in the classroom. The main points of the article will be summarized and than an analysis will be provided.

Research Article Points

The article suggests that for the purpose of meeting the education needs of increasing number of children, the educators need to embrace instruction and curriculum in a manner that engages and encourages all the students while respecting their diversity (Brenda, 1998).

Article discusses three main strategies for achieving the purpose described above. The strategies include heterogeneous student grouping, developmentally appropriate practice and an inclusive curriculum.

Article suggests that all these strategies can cater the diverse needs of young children and can also contribute towards the ongoing social and professional development of the children.

Heterogeneous Student Grouping: Such grouping provides positive social and academic results for diverse students (Brenda, 1998).

Assessment of young children for the determination purpose of their diverse needs is extremely important.

Developmentally Appropriate Practice: This practice refers to the knowledge about the learning and development patterns of children.

This practice emphasizes self directed learning activities and provides a regular interaction with teachers and peers thus reducing the diversity conflicts.

This approach appreciates greater cultural sensitivity by utilizing interactive teaching models which reduces the control of student learning by teachers.

An Inclusive Curriculum: This strategy focuses on the strengths of diverse children whether they have limited English skills or they disable in some sense.

This strategy creates a link between the theoretical principles of children's learning and development and the practical teaching techniques.

This technique is extremely flexible and adaptive to diverse needs of young children. Moreover, the concept of inclusive curriculum encourages the value of social interaction amongst the children (Brenda, 1998).

Reaction to the Information Presented

My reaction to the information presented is that in today's modern world, it has become extremely important for the educators to recognize the diverse needs of young children in the environment they are gathering to attain education. An increase has been witnessed in the racial, cultural and ethnic diversity within the schools of America (Fradd, 1999). This increase in diversity has created immense challenges for the educators in relation with the provision of quality education to the young children. I believe that the strategies defined in the article are quite relevant and educators must focus on implementing these strategies according to the situations of their class rooms. Educators need to be aware of these strategies along with the support of families and local community for the purpose of catering to the diverse needs of ...
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