Cells, Tissues And Organs

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Cells, Tissues and Organs

Cells, Tissues and Organs

Comparison of Light and Electron Microscope

Light Microscope

Electron Microscope


The resolution of light microscope is less and can see the up to one micron.

The resolution of electron microscope is greater and can see up to one nanometre.


Light microscope possesses the 500X to 1500X of magnification.

It has two ranges of magnification; the photographic magnification that is equal to and more than 1000, 000X and the direct magnification of 160,000X.


It uses the light rays having large wavelengths and hence it has lower resolution.

It uses the electron beam possessing the short wavelengths and thus has greater resolution.


The lens used is made up of glass

It contains the electrostatic lenses as well as the magnetic fields

Specimen stains

In light microscopy, colour pigments are used for staining the specimen. The examples include eosin and methylene blue.

Heavy metals are used to stain the specimens. For example; uranium and lead.


Light microscope aids to see the cells only not the organelles.

Electron microscope helps to see the structure of cells and organelles such as membrane, mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum.


It is cheap and available in low cost. The running cost is also negligible.

It is very expensive and possesses the high cost for running.


Light microscope is usually small in size and thus portable.

Electron microscopes required the particular large room and are not portable.

Functions of Organelles of Animal Cell

Animal Cell

A cell is the smallest and functional entity of the body. Animal cell is a kind of eukaryotic body. It possesses the true nucleus and the membrane bounded bodies, the cell organelles. The cells perfors the basic function at the molecular level. For this purpose, cells use the energy from the ATP molecules.

Animal cell

Organelles of the Animal Cell

The structures present in the cells are organelles. The animal cell contains the following organelles;



Golgi apparatus


Smooth endoplasmic reticulum

Rough endoplasmic reticulum







Mitochondria are one of the large organelles of the animal cell. Most of the cells contain more than one mitochondria or minimally a single. Each mitochondria is 1 to 10 micrometer in length and 0.1 to 0.5 micrometer in breadth. Two membranes are making up the structure of the mitochondria; the outer and inner membranes. Cristae is the inner folding membrane of mitochondria. There is an inner membrane space between the inner and outer membrane. The outer surface is smooth. Granules, ribosome and particles of ATP synthase are present in the matrix of mitochondria.


Mitochondria is the respiratory centre of the cell. Through the aerobic respiration, the energy converts to ATP from the organic material. Therefore, the other name of mitochondria is the power house according to function in the cell. The process of ATP synthesis occurs on the cristae of the mitochondria. Moreover, mitochondria contain their own DNA. These are semiautonomous organelles, which divide and grow to new mitochondria.

Endoplasmic Reticulum


The extensive network of the membrane forms the sac like framework, known as endoplasmic reticulum. Cisternae is a sac like structure. Its size in depth is almost equal to 100 ...
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