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CCCB assignment

CCCB assignment


The main purpose of this paper is to make a case analysis of “American outsourcing” by Richard H.K. Vietor and Alexander Veytsman. This paper discusses the impact of globalization on the way organizations conduct their businesses overseas in the light of outsourcing. This paper also discusses the strategies adopted by General Electrics outlined in this case. This case is about the American outsourcing. The case discusses that the main reason behind the U.S. jobs woes is outsourcing. The leading purpose of American outsourcing was to transfer the labour outside America in order to cut the cost of labor. Through this U.S. used to manufacture its products abroad and sell it abroad.

Critically evaluate the impact of globalisation on the way organisations conduct their businesses overseas, in the light of increased outsourcing.

The global economy is accompanied by a shift in production areas between countries industrialized within each economic zone, on the one hand, and industrialized countries to emerging countries other. In some cases, production for export markets that leaves the country to locate closer to areas of opportunity (Abraham, 1996, p. 394). In others, it's production for the domestic market that is transferred abroad before being re-imported. These movements are known collectively comfortable and disturbing "outsourcing". The diversity of the phenomenon explains the difficulty to assess the extent and in measure the impact in terms of employment, especially since it is unevenly distributed according to economic sectors, categories of workers and territories. In total, the overall cost / benefit of the international opening of the market is probably good for our country, but at the cost of sectoral and territorial adjustments that struggling to support public policies (Vietor, 2007, p. 34). Based on this valuation method, a study conducted by Hijzen, and Jean Mayer 4 concludes that the period 1984-2006, the French investment abroad did not, overall, negative impact on domestic employment. The relocation would instead allow maintaining the competitive advantage of firms involved a fee adjustment focused on non-or low-skilled jobs. This type of comprehensive assessment contrasts so dramatically with the realities on the ground in business and labor pools concerned (Anderson, 2004, p. 691). It is true that the jobs created through Globalization are not the same as those are lost, in terms of skills, sectors and location. This discrepancy reinforces expectations to public actors. Effective action assumed to understand the reasons why companies, individually, to review their localization strategy.

Globalization affects all aspects of economic life, and the labor market is no exception. With the development of information technology, cost reduction telephony and electronic communication channels increases the list of specialties that can be transferred to outsourcing. Does this mean that the potential job loss to manipulate the workers, their wages or working conditions?

In the annual report "Prospects for Employment", issued by Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), funded by the 30 richest countries of the world, in June 2007 noted that concerns about the dangers of globalization, although they are well grounded, but ...