Causes Of The American Revolution

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Causes of the American Revolution


Memories of the American Revolution (1775-1783) and the series of events have always been a very important component in the American history. Lives of the revolutionary soldiers, all the women who participated and the war veterans are and will always be quoted in glorious terms.

It commenced in 1775, as a war between Britain and the 13 British colonies in North America. The Englishmen fought for their basic and civil rights those were infringed by the British government. In the year 1775, the American Revolutionaries took control over the 13 colonies and formed the Continental Army (Hopkins, p. 176).

Events that Caused the American Revolution

American Revolution started on the imposition of numerous acts that infringed the rights of the Englishmen. British government was being unfair to the Americans in every aspect. It was becoming difficult for them to survive in a highly corrupted society. A series of events led to the Revolution including political, economic and social and philosophical reasons. Some of the crucial issues are described as follows.

Economic Events

Sugar Act-1764

Under this act, British imposed a tax on Sugar, Wine and other molasses containing products.

Currency Act-1764

The British parliament came up with the currency act in the year 1764. Following this act, it banned all the paper currency to the American colonies by saying that it was harmful for the British trade. Hence, the issuance of paper currency and all the bills of credit were prohibited.

The Stamp Act-1765

On March, 22 1765, the British parliament passed The Stamp Act which was the first internal act that the parliament levied on the colonies. It imposes taxes on financial papers, pamphlets, custom documents, newspaper advertisements and many more. Intention behind this act was to gather funds to support Britain pay for the troops stationed in North America, for British victory in the Seven Year's War.

The Townshend Acts-1767

The Townshend Acts passed by the British parliament in 1767 includes a series of acts whose sole purpose was to raise revenue from Americans and let them know that Britain has the right to tax them. This act levied taxes on glass, paper and tea.

The Tea Act and the Boston Tea Party-1773

The Boston Tea Party was one of the major events that fuelled the American Revolution. The British parliament imposed another act, the tea act, in 1773, as per which it will restore the full ...
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