Causes Of Depression: Stressful Events

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Causes of Depression: Stressful Events


Depression is a rapidly growing dilemma for the global civilization; especially for the US society, where increased social isolation and shattered family structures are devastating the situation. Depressed individuals often resort to self help medications, leaning to unauthorized drug usage, including anti-depressants and sleeping pills. The situation is further marginalized to dangerous consequences; when the individual starts consuming various drugs and alcohol and also reverts to extreme alternatives, such as self-annihilation, suicide and also fatally harming other individuals. The aim of this research paper is to discuss the importance of stressful events in contributing towards depression. The paper also highlights a personalized case study to elaborate on the process of identifying, understanding, and relieving the causes of stressful events and eventually solving the problem of depression.

Table of Contents




Overview of Depression5

Case Study5

The Essence of Cure - Understanding and Solving the Causes of Depression8




Causes of Depression: Stressful Events


The 21st century has brought vast improvements and convenience in our lives, but it also had certain drastic effects and consequences. The hustle and bustle and fast-pace nature of monotonous work; without adequate attention towards family life and other recreational habits have left mankind to deal with depression.

Depression, as referred to by psychologists and physicians, is a cognitive condition, a state of mind, a mood or emotional stance, which attributes feelings such as sadness, unhappiness, hopelessness, worthlessness, pessimism guilt, irritation, low self worth, and heightened self-depreciation (Beck 1987). As often falsely perceived, depression is not at all easier to handle or lighter in degree or stature. When in depression, the individual may lose all interest in activities that are normally regarded as enjoyable and pleasurable (Zieve 2011). The depressed individual might simultaneously experience loss in vitality and energy, fatigue; loss of appetite or overeating; disturbed sleep or insomnia; problems associated with remembering, concentrating and general indecisiveness; and pains or aches (Aguirre 2008).

It is interesting to note that there are certain periods in a normal human life, where we experience depression at one time or another, but relatively for shorter periods of time. However, if this depressive state is experienced for a longer duration, it is an alarming situation for the concerned individual as well as his family.

It is important to address the underlying causes for depression; which if left unattended can compel the patient to succumb to clinical depression. It is essential to understand that clinical depression, technically referred to as a Depressive or Mental Disorder, is a chronic form of depression. Such extreme case of depression can also prolong for as long as weeks, months and perhaps years; and can even compel the individual in question to stretch to grave circumstances, such as committing suicide (Dumais et al., 2005).

However, not every depressed individual is necessarily suffering from a psychiatric disorder. Depression is an inherent and normal reaction by the human body to certain life situations and events. Depression is also a symptom of certain unique mental conditions and in certain cases can also be due to side effects of some medical ...
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